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Top Gear Progression System


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Let all players have a chance to achieve dragon and boss weapons/armor set.

1) Now we have 35-man team to enter Antharas Instance which is made harder, but as a clan or server, players gather to try to fight it as a team! That is good!

2) However drops are only a few items and usually picked up by the CC leader and later he will sell and distribute the Adena among all those who participated. This is not a good system.

3) Make Antharas give reward boxes like Castilla's Labyrinth to every individual players that was in the 35-man team and boxes should include materials (E.g Dragon Claw, Dragon Weapon Fragment) for crafting the dragon weapon but these materials should be non-tradable!

3) After players gathered all the materials, they can craft a non-tradable dragon weapon.

4) You may think "Yeah, we need 50 claws and Antharas Instance is only twice a month!" but this system should be implemented for all dragons! We have Antharas, Lindvior, Valakas, Fafurion! What is Lineage 2 without players having the chance to even see or fight these dragons except for top clans?

5) Also I see YouTube, other servers (probably illegal) have other boss weapon/armor sets like Baium (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szdE8HAnMrs) Check out this guy's videos on what a full Lineage 2 actually have to offer in the game but we are not getting any of those despite contributing so much money a month.

All in all, since the company wants to prevent RMT as well, make those items non-tradable so even top players who are controlling the market do not make use of the game to profit any real money from it and yet all players get a chance to achieve those items as long as they play with effort.

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3) The box reward idea for all the participants is not a bad idea, but the items should probably be similar to Castilla's (or old Antharas instance).

4) Technically only Fafurion and Valakas exist now xD Antharas only available through instance. And no Lindvior :(

5) It's edited from a illegal server. These items don't exist in any L2 region.

On 02/06/2020 at 10:09 PM, Lunastariel said:

All in all, since the company wants to prevent RMT as well, make those items non-tradable so even top players who are controlling the market do not make use of the game to profit any real money from it and yet all players get a chance to achieve those items as long as they play with effort.

Instead of people RMT items and adena, they would RMT chars with "stuck" items on them. The issue will still be the same :|

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