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This Event is Awful

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So I have my party from level 63-67 and have them all buffed up and using soulshots.  I deal almost no damage to the spawned units and therefore don't get any kills on them and as I get one solo to myself, it just disappears as the king watermelon comes on.  

I go and send everyone over to attack king watermelon and despite attacking and hitting, either they didnt actually hit it with autotargeting on or their hits didn't register.  It gives me the message on some characters that I didn't hit it and others I don't even receive a reward but dont get that message.

This is just a stupid design, at this low of level, even with +10 b weapons, I barely scratched the adds so it is practically worthless for me to try and attack them.  Then when I get to the boss, it doesnt give me the items or says I didnt attack the boss, despite attacking it. 

This has made me really really really regret spending any money on the game I have so far and has really killed my morale.  Seeing how active the GMs are on this game, I doubt they will even read it and so this post is worthles....

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You aren't the only one. I saw a lot of maxed high lv mages not even getting 1 star of the 5 they need to get a reward.

It seems that if you are not a titan you have no hope on this event.

The rich get richer, as usual.

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I am a lv 79 wizard and I have more than 4000 m atk and I could not make a star in the event.  the same character in two events killed the raid.  of all who participated only 3 had 5 stars.  who is the event for?



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Its an event that reward player already rich in the server, BTW if you wanna try to get at least the daily reward you need to full much as you can your party, go in the outside of the area and take the agro of two mobs, stay away from other players and just focus with all party members one target.

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This event is so bad. ncsoft higher more competent developers. A monkey could make a better event. This event is basically for one person per server. In TI bepler always wins the event. Ncsoft you are a joke that is not funny. Fire the event maker and hire some one that knows what they are doing plz.

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welcome to the events of NCSOFT where they want to give more items to the top player of the server and a joke to another players. Come one NCSOFT, the essence of an event is the balance of the players, not make a event just for one guy that have 30k dollars in his char and you think that a casual player 60+ can win.... thank you for give 2 weapons A each day for two weeks to Bleeper in TI. If u want to do a real event for a server make the reward random to the participators, bleeper takes 5 seconds to get 5 stars.... this event is a joke, if u want to give more items to the top player of the server, just send him the items to his mailbox and done.

NCOSFT make 1 good event and 5 very bads events every time, like every updates that they call "BigUpdate" ..

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998701 @JujiI want to make clear my repudiate this latest watermelon event for being totally nonconforming with the reality of the players on the Talking Island server, an event where only the same player always win! players on the Talking Island server, an event where only the same player always win! Right is ugly NCSoft!!!

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