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When a mob or player slowly walks away from you, using skills and landing any hits is very hard to impossible


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When a player and non player character slowly moves/walks away from you the character will "follow" but not land any hits at all and skills fail to be used when they are non ranged skills.

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When this happens with a Mob, it has been pulled from it's spawn area... lost Agro, or killed the player who had Agro, after awhile any hit will cause Mob to reset to it's spawn area, HP/MP resets 100% too(and it's invulnerable until it get's to it's spawn area so it can pull you all the way there)

Edited by Teribeth
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9 minutes ago, Teribeth said:

When this happens with a Mob, it has been pulled from it's spawn area... lost Agro, or killed the player who had Agro, after awhile any hit will cause Mob to reset to it's spawn area, HP/MP resets 100% too(and it's invulnerable until it get's to it's spawn area so it can pull you all the way there)

This also happens inside instances like ashen revolution.
The healer mob (unit 8) is very obnoxious for traversing long distances to go for the farthest away person and just keeps walking sometimes even back and forth with melee characters stupidly following it without landing even one hit.

It also happens with mobs heading towards you albeit in a slightly lesser degree like unit 2 and 3 which are the tyrr and dagger.
Using any skills get you on top of the mob's old starting position and then for a second or 2 makes you try follow / catch up to the mob it's new position without landing one hit.

This instance is not the only one that has this problem but it is the one which shows it most commonly, any and all mob and player movement like that has the exact same problem.
No matter if their speed is 220, which i tested with a alt character and mine is 320 including server ranking benefit 2.
Either every few seconds the melee character might land 1 hit or is stuck trying to hit the character while slide-following it indefinitely.
Some mobs are invulnerable to most or all debuffs which makes it even more visible and annoying because you can't even put a slow, root or stun on the mob in question.

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