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no war no castle

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it should be as simple as that dear NCwest !

this is a clear exploit !

you don't wanna pvp ? of my! no worries, but then no siege either, right ? in a place designed for clan vs clan combat, like territory siege, clans who don't wanna pvp should not be able to take a castle! 

there is a price for everything? will this time the price be paid ? the community deserve and answear, NCwest !

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I agree with this. A clan that doesn’t want to pvp shouldn’t be attending siege or other pvp aspects of the game. If they PK, their clan should be opened for war immediately. If they flag on others, declaration of war should be allowed. This exploit has been abused for too long and overlooked. 

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Servers always been 1 to max 2 sided.

In the past there been days server went one sided because most just bandwaggon to the top clan. Then this top clan was running from castle to castle, killing all ppl and crested the castles with their alt clans.

This is abuse/griefing.


If a clan holds a Castle the max they should be allowed to is going to siege field to help their ally clan's casting/defending a castle.

But what happens is following:

Clan A dominates the server, gets Aden, moves to other siege fields, declare on clans that are not able to win them, wipes the whole siege field, crests with alt clan.

They even declare WAR, so you can't kill them on the siege field unless to start a war.

So if now clan B fights with clan C over a Castle and Clan A is doing said mechanic, nothing left besides letting them go.


Heck i know days when 1 Clan ownded all castles using alt clans. Doesn't seem to be the intention of multiple castles or?

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Agreed. Clan who don't wanna fight don't deserve to go to Siege.

Agreed and the opposite should be truth. Clans who wanna fights others clans shouldn't be able to pve.

I'm just using your own logic.

Edited by KingNothing
wrong quote :P
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This post is ridiculous. Clan sieges and war are 2 different things. 

If a clan goes to siege its because they want pvp.

War on the other hand will usually just be about killing afk farmers who wants to level up. You dont see war pvp anymore in this game.

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Not sure why you open a few topics about same thing, but like I stated in that other thread, you own a castle and benefit from it for 2 weeks, if you want that top reward you need to be willing to engage in wars. I think this game mechanic is OK.

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1 hour ago, oscar2132 said:

to make the fight fair, because there are only 9 castles and many clans with active ppl that needs one , the clans that choose to not pvp should not be allowed to own a castle

I went to siege, I pvp, so I should be entitled a castle if I can take it then right?  Why do i have to get stuck w/ wars I don't want for it?

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1 hour ago, Helvie said:

Not sure why you open a few topics about same thing, but like I stated in that other thread, you own a castle and benefit from it for 2 weeks, if you want that top reward you need to be willing to engage in wars. I think this game mechanic is OK.

I see that, this was a joke towards the topic calling 14 people clans an exploit. 

Actually, this isn't even that post, nm, same dumb arguments.

Edited by Degus
wrong post
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15 hours ago, oscar2132 said:

it should be as simple as that dear NCwest !

this is a clear exploit !

you don't wanna pvp ? of my! no worries, but then no siege either, right ? in a place designed for clan vs clan combat, like territory siege, clans who don't wanna pvp should not be able to take a castle! 

there is a price for everything? will this time the price be paid ? the community deserve and answear, NCwest !

You are making up all your own rules here man.   What about clans that run on field for fame, if thats still a thing, ban them too?  If I run to a castle and no 1 there, I can't cast cuz I didn't pvp for it?  Stupid arguments everywhere!  If these "real" clans really wanted more pvp they would dark the castle and open up more for the next 2 weeks, but you don't. 

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37 minutes ago, Degus said:

You are making up all your own rules here man.   What about clans that run on field for fame, if thats still a thing, ban them too?  If I run to a castle and no 1 there, I can't cast cuz I didn't pvp for it?  Stupid arguments everywhere!  If these "real" clans really wanted more pvp they would dark the castle and open up more for the next 2 weeks, but you don't. 

Big clans after the afk macro era became all light castles and the ones that are still dark are some alt clan of some bigger clan with only the caster to be found logged during siege

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siege is nothing about clan wars, for that exist the pvp zone...

a lot of clans like to force start the clan war cos there a bug where count the kills if the clan own a castle and go to other castle siege zone... that sound more an exploit :)

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the game has both pvp and pve content, and wars are old as the world, i wanna be able to declare war to a clan that has less than 14 members and they pk me or my friends, or for any other reason, and i can't.

isn't this harassment? isn't this cheating? NCwest should update the rules to the actual situation !

and if it is to stay like this, if NCwest choose to take no action in this matter, it has to be set a price at least, for dodging the wars, and that should be no territory for this type of clans, not even fortress or war clan halls, and they should say thanks a trillion times for a town clan hall.

Edited by oscar2132
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59 minutes ago, oscar2132 said:

the game has both pvp and pve content, and wars are old as the world, i wanna be able to declare war to a clan that has less than 14 members and they pk me or my friends, or for any other reason, and i can't.


but, to try and kill you they have to flag... or if the succeed in killing you then they are red, kill them back! pk them! there are still pk scrolls and sin eater quests. get revenge, there are game mechanics in place for you to defend yourself. no way with the new pk system can you convenience me someone is pking or pvping you off them map none stop (still legal to do in NCsofts eyes) you know what NCsoft would tell you to do? BSOE or hunt in bigger numbers lol that is what some carebear post as the GM response when someone pked him over and over before the pk system.

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to have the right to set foot on a pvp zone a clan must be able to receive a war declaration, the honorable way

otherwise the sole purpose of pvp fight it's a lie, not a fair fight, and a scheme to gain advantages in situation like territory siege and/or cursed swords

clans who want the dodge a clan war by all means should not engage in any pvp fight !

or why pvp only when convenient? a war it is a war and should be carried out on full time scale at full capacity until one side surrender !

u wanna dodge war ? stay aside, you no need pvp, u no need a territory u no need bloodstained weps

update the rules, make Lineage iI the game we deserve, the game we sacrificed years for ! 

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13 hours ago, Degus said:

You are making up all your own rules here man.   What about clans that run on field for fame, if thats still a thing, ban them too?  If I run to a castle and no 1 there, I can't cast cuz I didn't pvp for it?  Stupid arguments everywhere!  If these "real" clans really wanted more pvp they would dark the castle and open up more for the next 2 weeks, but you don't. 

there is no fame anymore you bit late to woke up ? 

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