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Bound items


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I think is not fair to have items bounded to the player only. All items should be tradable especialy in the same account.

When you buy items from the NCstore  you should be able to share them into your account withought even make a ticket there should be a dimentional wharehouse and to be able to store everything there .

Is unfair for people that payed really money not to be able to use these items as they want to

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The other thing i cant understand is that when you buy something from NCstore have limitation 1 per account so if you have 2 characters in the same account only the 1 can buy it BUT you cant share the items in your account because the items or scrolls or whatever are bound to the player not to the account.

There should be an account wharehouse and you can transfer everything  between my characters IN THE SAME ACCOUNT.

Is rediculus to pay real money and cant use your items the way you want and need

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