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1 EXTRA WEEK of EXP EVENT as Compensation

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21 hours ago, Tora said:

So in past was USA internet or server problem for you,for others must be necessarily theyr provider or they have to change country right??I'll tell you 1 more time they have problem with losing packets sent.......but seems useless try to explain this.

15 / 5000

I had to remotely connect to a friend in order to fix his router settings , he stopped dc-ing from game shortly after. Also i checked his download/upload ( with a phone to his ISP , we learned that he's inet traffic was filtered without a explanation added to his IP witch is illegal here in Europe/Romania. ) Overall, problem was fixed with some tweeks on settings ( opening ports, changing lease time on ip , reserving ip switching from wifi to utp cable etc )

P.S. Error code: 2S136/C  trying to edit some typos. 



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23 hours ago, Slycutter said:

maybe just extended food being removed for 1 week? but these random dc is hurting my xp.

The meals are both a XP boost as well as a damage boost which helps you kill faster and get more XP. 


@juji please extend the deletion of the meals an extra week.

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Dear Juji!

Pls, dont extend the exp event, 1 month more than enough!
Ppl, an other exp event always comming, pls dont be greedy, disconnects always in the deck if there is exp event or not so dont refer to that.
Ppl getting tired in these long exp event so pls let us breath up with an other nice event.

Thanks a lot

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yea im having major issues as well, and my internet  is high grade...spent 500$ on XP crap for the event and got to use maybe half of it due to my character DC'ing for other people to log in >< i go back and theres 200+ people on wait list. Everyone says we dont need a new server because its only happening for the XP event...but there shouldnt be an XP event if the server isnt suitable for playing on max capacity... Its a waste of everyones time and money if they decided to invest in this event, so maybe an upgrade is needed ^^ 

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