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Patch Notes?


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Of course I will wait like the rest :p, I was appealing for us all :D.

I just think that to produce them at such a late stage is unhelpful and shows a lack of consideration that we have all come to know and expect. Its not normal though and I like to remind myself of this once in a while :D. 

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It is likely that this will not be published, until hours before or the same day. If they have not published it, they may not know how far they will implement. Maybe they should delete all updates that give free items, and being able to put them in the l2Store will take more time. The answer of the respondents is obvious, soon. As soon as you see fit, as soon as you can say it will be implemented. Obviously it will not be the same as in Europe. Greetings to the GM's, god don't delete this account, it's just a friendly comment, don't take it all to heart.

Sorry, "Google translator"

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@Juji & @Hime there are a few things you should let the players know way before the actual update

- the fact spirit ore & soul stones become non tradeable and can't be sold to npc etc. anymore is quite a big thing

- the removal of the Mysterious Attribute Herb is something almost all players got used to having so removing it without any warning is not cool



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