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Worst update ever


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Honestly one of the shittiest updates i`ve been I`m 111 half decent gear, could xp in IOP  with clan buffs or even plains of lizardman with pom, but now i guess I`ll have to go back to alligator, not only they took the mysterious herb which was very helpfull but the mobs dps increased a lot as well... If the intent is to promote pt farming at least make xp better so instead of going solo to lower zones we can go to upper zones full pt but get more xp not less

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lol i like how you guys have high expectations from  nc staff lol the fact after all the trash updates trash event rate trash  communications you all expect something worth it from them  do not fear  juji will give you a gm buff   in the middle of that day when  most are not on and a angel cat dandy so  yall can  stop complaining lol

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People are riot.

You should not a party in hunting areas labelled "solo" hunting areas.  Also if you want people party why do no they not add party xp bonus back permanently no real reason why that was removed, because it equalized the xp drop when you couldn't solo an area but also kept support leveling.

You tell me fix your toons like there is a magic Staples Easy button to push.  I guess it is easy when you don't have issues 99% of L2 is having now.

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