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No jwls items in market!

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Dear Gms,admins.

I would like to ask if you have any plan for us to have the shop with the coins that we can buy Jwls lvl 5 and many other items??

Atm in Chronos are too many players that dont even have lvl 4 jwls and lvl5 jwls are too expensive . Red cat 5 is about 150B. 150B for mid gear player is about 150 days farm. Also if someone change from feoh to fighter has no option to buy ruby (at least 3). 

Also there is no option for red cat/blue cat lvl3/4 for new players.  Can not be trade from other players.

Eu/Ru and korea has it. I think t hat will help a lot the economy of server and many ppl  will get a huge boost!

Hope the rest of ppl agree with me.

Sorry for my bad english!

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