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No Adena. Cant Buy Shots. Cant Hunt. Why play?

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How are we supposed to play this game with no ability to make adena from farming? It cannot be choose one or the other. If you want good xp you get no adena. If you want adena you dont get good xp. Why is there no balance? Why are the hardest places to hunt not giving the highest rewards?

You have created so many adena sinks in this game that adena is scarce. Thhe market is drying up and people are not buying items. You have taken away our ability to sell soul shots, sell drops, sell mats, so how do you expect us to make adena in order to afford the shots you sell in the store as another adena sink?

Do you realize that there arent enough places to hunt for the miniscule population there is on these servers? Every room in every high level xp spot is taken. Every low level adena spot is taken? Do you not see this? You are starving us of content and adena to the point its not fun to log in anymore. Not everyone has the ability to run 30 accounts across 3 comps or spend all day in front of their computer trying to finda way to manipulate the market. 

At the very least increase the adena rates to allow us the ability to pay for the party supplies.

Pretty Please?

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3 hours ago, GiantBoobs said:

Why are the hardest places to hunt not giving the highest rewards?

Every room in every high level xp spot is taken. Every low level adena spot is taken? Do you not see this? 


what its for you highest lvl zones? coz all the high lvl spots have good adena drop. GC, Varkas, ToI, etc.
and if you want to take a room for farm, just fight for it. or wanna play afk simulator?

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1 hour ago, fmugen said:

what its for you highest lvl zones? coz all the high lvl spots have good adena drop. GC, Varkas, ToI, etc.
and if you want to take a room for farm, just fight for it. or wanna play afk simulator?

Thank you for completely missing the point. Did you read where you shouldnt have to pick one or the other? How is the xp in GC compared to LOA? How is the adena in the same spots? TOI has adena making potential yet have you taken into account the cost of the gear required in running a party there? Is it sustainable? 

I have no issues fighting for spots. The issue is there are people who play this game that cannot defend their parties 24/7 and there are others that can. There are vast amounts of space on the map and zones we know about with new content that are not being introduced or offered. TOI 5-12 there is no1 farming. Massive amounts of rooms that no1 can farm. Or its not worth it to farm so what is the point? 

You can try and cool like you think these devs will be on your side or you can acknowledge the facts presented in the intitial post. good day

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8 hours ago, GiantBoobs said:

How are we supposed to play this game with no ability to make adena from farming? It cannot be choose one or the other. If you want good xp you get no adena. If you want adena you dont get good xp. Why is there no balance? Why are the hardest places to hunt not giving the highest rewards?

You have created so many adena sinks in this game that adena is scarce. Thhe market is drying up and people are not buying items. You have taken away our ability to sell soul shots, sell drops, sell mats, so how do you expect us to make adena in order to afford the shots you sell in the store as another adena sink?

Do you realize that there arent enough places to hunt for the miniscule population there is on these servers? Every room in every high level xp spot is taken. Every low level adena spot is taken? Do you not see this? You are starving us of content and adena to the point its not fun to log in anymore. Not everyone has the ability to run 30 accounts across 3 comps or spend all day in front of their computer trying to finda way to manipulate the market. 

At the very least increase the adena rates to allow us the ability to pay for the party supplies.

Pretty Please?

I agree that it is hard especially for new players to balance between buying gear and daily expenses. But it is possible to set things up and farm, you just need patience and a cost vs effectiveness plan. For example farming with S grade weapon in LoA you wont make any Adena but farming with B grade in GC you can make a decent amount per day.

Do not expect to run full power ranger mode and be able to cover the costs for consumables and also make a profit, the only place  you can do that is TOI but you need end-game gear to farm there.

The game is far from balanced but also people just want stuff without putting any effort. If you want easy-mode just buy stuff from the store and sell for Adena.

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Today the Giran Server, is in the domain of bots that farm in 95% of the important areas, leaving mediocre areas for players (for real) to try to gather a minimum of adenas. If the rate of adenas changes, we will undoubtedly lose the 5% that we can still explore on the map. Maybe they will change the adena rate, after the next bonus to PK or scenarios to facilitate the use of the bots.

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