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For those that want to play for absolutely free...


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Let me remind you a few things, I will be blunt until reality hits you in the head!

First of all, L2 was NEVER a free game and for sure it was never a $15 game... For all those who played back then, try and remember how many accounts you had at the same time. * I am not talking for those of you who were lvl 76-77 forever, I am talking about the people that played the game.

You had your main which was a DD, a buffer and a bd, unless you were a support, then you had a spoiler and a crafter and many different accounts that you would use for as long as you played. Oh, lets not forget the town alts selling stuff... How many have done epic pole parties that you would have every single buff in the game to kill faster? oh and when the lv83 skills were introduced, everyone had hos own CoV and counter critical prophet, along with everything else.

That was at least 50$ or more people that wanted to farm even had their own titan $50 was just for the  low tier clans, try 75$ at least. With that same money today per month you can slowly build your toon to a point that you can farm on your own. Also, you need to realise that if you have been on and off the game, then you have missed a lot, the game has moved on and you are now trying to catch up. Regular exalted armor will not really get you anywhere.

You might want to have the feeling of obtaining your own adena like in the past but that is no longer an option, unless you invest beforehand. There are still a few things you can craft.

Free to play is not really an ideal description but I am pretty sure that by now you already know what you are getting into, its been 10 years since f2p was implemented.

Most people that come back stopped in like C5, interlude and have been bouncing from illegal server to illegal server, those are free but also your progress can be erased overnight! 

Piece of advice, buy whatever is cheap during events, i.e Insanity was 12bil a couple of events back, CoC belt, was 14bil the last event, do not go for a fancy weapon, you will not do any damage and most important, do not buy a ++R99 weapon when you are starting.

haters gonna hate.... but you really need to open your eyes.

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