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On 7/4/2021 at 10:12 AM, Hellbender said:

Wondering why the 4-5 boxes on my toon will randomly display 1 Agathion symbol and then switch to my 4 jewel symbols and then switch to my 5 talisman symbols.

there are 4 different inventory tree's that unlock depending on what you select in your inventory.

  • La vie brooch is the 1st, it can equip up to 6  la vie jewels in it
  • Bracelet is 2nd, it holds up to 6 talismans
  • Seed Agathion Bracelet is 3rd, it holds up to 1 main and 4 sub agathions
  • Artifact book is 4th, it has a ton of slots for additional boosts

sometimes, the active view of these changes randomly.  If you have the artifact book up, it will randomly swap to the seed bracelet or brooch slot.  kind of annoying, but whatever.

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