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boss drop for new skills

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6 hours ago, Carestia said:

 from the last patch on essence EU (sylph/ frozen kingdom) if we start from this. the new skills drop from boss ( all class) they will be very but very very hard to find. there will be some change about it?

Most likely will be same chances as eu had which were low, definitely not enough to feed even small clan with books so you will have to use promotions to acquire them.

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5 hours ago, WutWutWut said:

Molto probabilmente saranno le stesse possibilità di eu che erano basse, sicuramente non sufficienti per sfamare anche i piccoli clan con i libri, quindi dovrai usare le promozioni per acquisirli.

ok, but on beggining there were more boss for book drops for dks and after they in the following patchs for the news skills for titan/gk and others

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As was previously stated, skill books are one of the biggest carrot-on-a-stick tools that will be monetized via lootboxes and dangled in front of you. Expect very low drop rates from bosses for these items. 

This (skill books) is one of the monetization pillars for this game, so don't expect any changes in this regard.

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2 hours ago, Enthused said:

Come è stato affermato in precedenza, i libri di abilità sono uno dei più grandi strumenti di carota su un bastone che verrà monetizzato tramite bottini e penzolante di fronte a te. Aspettati tassi di rilascio molto bassi dai boss per questi oggetti. 

Questo (libri di abilità) è uno dei pilastri della monetizzazione per questo gioco, quindi non aspettarti alcun cambiamento al riguardo.

you don't understand my question, you have played on the first patch of essence eu?

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