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Warsmith Pet AOE, does it exist?


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Does anyone know if warsmith gets any pet AOE? Everyone I came across said that Warsmiths were the best at AOE because of their pet. So I leveled one up to 65 and I'm only seeing the dwarf's skills called Provoke and Spinning Slasher. The summon mechanic golem is the only available summon and it only has 2 single target abilities. 


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I figured it out, thanks to the help of someone on Discord named Vex in the L2 Community.  Warsmiths get Tenacity level 4, regen extra hp when hit etc.  They also get Mechanical Assist which spawns golem attacks or something upon attacking targets, and another Stun Mechanical Assist at 76 with a rare book needed.  Apparently Bounty Hunters are better at all other combat aspects of the game beyond AOE, but require rare skill books though.  FYI in case anyone other than myself was wondering someday.


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