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Atlas earring for 105 mentors


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Quick question, my character  is level 98 on his main class and 105 on his sub and mentoring people. From what I could find on the web, it sounds like to get the earring, you have to graduate as a mentee. Is this correct and if so can this character just not get an Atlas earring?

I was also wondering, if once my mentees graduate if I can swap to my 98 main class and get mentored if that's the only way to get the accessory.

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9 minutes ago, meatbun said:

I may be wrong but if you can become a mentee on the 98 main class then you should receive the regular rewards for graduating as mentee at 105.

That's kind of what I am hoping, not sure if you can be a mentor and a mentee at the same time though. I'll switch to my main and have a buddy try to mentor me, if it doesn't work I will try again once my three mentees graduate.

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you get the atlas once you graduate as a mentee, there is a box containing a better belt and a +0 atlas, other than than, with mentee coins and worst case scenario, buy atlas scrolls with hero coins sell them back for mentee coins (its 1 scroll for 50k mentee coins, 2:1 ratio)


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