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Hunting Zones


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Are hunting zones essentially dead? The only ones with mobs seem to be the ones the quest line makes you follow. It would be nice to have places to level up without every other person your level hunting there. I sure do miss L2 beta days :/

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22 minutes ago, Trishina said:

Are hunting zones essentially dead? The only ones with mobs seem to be the ones the quest line makes you follow. It would be nice to have places to level up without every other person your level hunting there. I sure do miss L2 beta days :/

Yes it is the only ones , content has been has been shrinked , we got only 15% of the content now.. sad..  So try to enjoy what's left..

As there will be no updates as @Juji confirmed.

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2 hours ago, Trishina said:

Are hunting zones essentially dead? The only ones with mobs seem to be the ones the quest line makes you follow. It would be nice to have places to level up without every other person your level hunting there. I sure do miss L2 beta days :/

You must be on Aden server(s)... Live servers still have MOBs in abandoned zones(no updates for years) our Aden hasn't developed enough to warrant filling the entire Map yet.

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