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PSA: "Support" System

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PSA: Even if 6 GMs/Support ticket staff tell you the SAME EXACT THING about one issue - the *LEAD* Support GM has every right to come and tell you they were all wrong, and they are "very sorry" however what you lost is gone and it won't happen again - but even still... your loss.  They won't provide any evidence because they can't/don't legally have to and you are to accept their new direction as if you weren't told over the last 2 weeks by 6 different support staff that it was different.

Be wary with decisions from support tickets you submit for this game. They will tell you one thing and tell the recipient another. 
This is the true end of this game, when "support" does whatever they want and makes things up to cover their own errors.  They will never admit they did anything wrong.

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To add my personal story to this:

For 2 months what I did was ruin 'Ashura' clan's cakes. I went out of my way to force PvP onto their groups while they grinded mobs. 100% of the time they found themselves wiped.  I'll save the details of the feud between us but it was justified from both sides and well deserved.  I am 99.98% sure I was reported by them for griefing (told multiple times I was being reporte for such). That is exactly what I was doing.. I was forcing PvP onto them. It may have ruined their parties; but it was said by *MULTIPLE* community managers that it was a part of the game, and for years it had been accepted as non-bannable play (doesn't mean it wasn't an a**hole move, but it was legal).
Then I land a WARNING for "luring mobs/players to get them killed. Harassment."
I fought this warning, declaring that it was a part of the game. It was the part of the game that keeps a lot of us playing - you have the ability to fight whoever, whenever, wherever.
So I kept at it, thinking they made a small mistake for their warning and will correct it or at least not pursue a ban for it. I continued pulling their macros off EXP spots, I kept forcing PvP onto their parties - and then I landed myself a 3-day ban suspension. It was for... you guessed it: "luring mobs/players to get them killed. Harassment."
So now I have a 3-day ban, on Saturday morning of the last EXP event weekend, with boosts/runes running - for something that has been said by GMs/CMs to be legal, and has been a factor in this game since Day 1.
When I inquire on the forums (many of you have seen my last post I am sure) I was finally told by the GM Conguero that, in fact, what I had been reported for and warning/banned for IS LEGAL, and actually I was banned for a completely separate reason - they will let me know what that reason was at a later date.
So I wait a couple days, and I am told that I was banned for verbal harassment - they are totally sorry that the last 6 Support Staff 'reviewed the problem and say ruining people fun with pulling/killing PvE groups is bannable' had all told me the wrong thing - but it was actually because of a couple choice things I had said in white chat. Meanwhile I am getting laughed at by the original reporters that I got banned for griefing (further clarifying that that's the reason I was originally reported) and threatening if I keep on griefing I will get perma-banned.
They close my tickets instantly when I ask for clarification - saying that 'since my temp ban is lifted it doesn't really matter what it was all about anyways'. Well I beg to differ, I should be 105/105 and enjoying the game, instead of 104/104 with no trust for this support system.

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All that they had to do was admit an error.. and they couldn't even do that. 
I'm quitting this game regardless, I know over half this server is happy to see me leave (that's great!- wish you all the best, was fun/gf/gl) - but this issue transcends just me as a player and goes into the future of this game for all you who wish to continue playing.  Your 'support team' should represent you, to the best of their ability.  I would demand an honest ruling from both the CM/GMs as well as the "Support Staff" that will be identical to what you've been told... not just a 'whoever spams petitions the most gets their way' which has overtaken the game (seen most recently).

Enjoy L2ers- the last 14 years was a blessed and most fun time. Thanks for ruining it "NCSupport,"

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Oh, I see now. That's total bullshid, these actions are part of the game since...... ever.

@Neutron should step in, apologize and apply 7 day temp bans to the ppl who abused the support team, which is mostly clueless how things work in this game.

That's all there is to it.

I'm not saying you shouldn't quit, I'd quit myself in such case too, but the least you deserve proper explanation and apology.


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49 minutes ago, EgglandsBest said:

Sure, why not. I am crybaby, awesom!!.  I will no longer be playing this game, but even with my exit I hope that your petitions, or petitions against you are valid - which wasn't the case for me,  That's what I am writing for.

Won"t happen to me because i do not use vulgar language or curse at people in game.


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If you get banned by ncwest you are deffinatly going to get banned in other games.

Ncwest allows people who use bots and scripts to get away, players who use racism get away with it.

players using bad language get away with it.


you pull any of ur antics in other games and you are banned before you can say NCwest

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3rd party ticket handling and part-time official staff. What do you expect from people who have no real investment in their job? No different than a kid who gets your drive through order wrong. He doesn't care either.

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