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Questions about Frenzy and about polearms


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As I've mentioned elsewhere, I played this game for a while in the 2000s. In the latter part of that time Polearms (for any race) were severely nerfed. And Frenzy was also severely nerfed.

1) In the case of polearms, the nerfs, as I recall, severely limited the amount of multiple monsters that could be hit at one time.

2) In the case of Frenzy, if health went back over something like 25%, the Frenzy effect went away.

Can anybody answer if those 2 nerfs are in L2 Classic?

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Somebody, please?

FYI, I see that polearms seem to now be referred to as spears. So, do nerfs still apply? Can a spear user reliable hiot more than 2 monsters at a time?

Also, I'm beginning to wonder if the silence means that the Frenzy skill for Destroyers / Titans was eliminated.

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Frenzy wasn't eliminated; it was split into Frenzy and Zealot, and was just nerfed again (along with Guts and Over the Body) during the 16MAY23 maintenance on L2 Classic. If you want to do AOE, play Warlord instead of Destroyer/Warsmith/Bounty Hunter. With the Destroyer route (including the recent update) even at high levels you would have to wait 5 minutes between mob pulls. Each time they nerf Destroyer/Titan it's usually because people are using some non-standard weapon (dagger/bow/spear/blunt) but they don't understand that the flexibility to use a variety of weapons is something that distinguishes the class from being a simple one-trick pony, and separates L2 from other games where your weapon selection is hard-coded to your class selection.

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