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Doubt about exalted armor and weapon.


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They are equivalent to R99 bloody of the same enchant level (ok the +10 armor might be closer to R99 +9).

Downside, only 1 SA (the third one) on the weapon,  and obviously, you can't sell them to recoup your investment. It's basically what, 60-65 USD/Euro , so with current NCoin-Adena prices, and depending on which server you play on, over 60 billion on Naia, more on Chronos. So, if you can find R99 Bloody wep+12 and +8 or better armor for 60 billion or so, you 're better off buying that, you can at least resell later and get your investment back. If not, go with b. exalted. Either will get you to 110-112 comfortably. After that, and if you want to do TOI etc, you will need to upgrade.


PS keep in mind Night Market coins end at some point, there is no guarantee you will be able to buy the weapon scrolls after it ends

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3 hours ago, red667 said:

It's been a few months since we've been able to enchant armor to +10 and weapon to +12 with the new scrolls, but how good are they? is it worth the small investment?

My thoughts:

First the exalted enchanted weapon.

It is satisfactory I'm my opinion until you get something better which is not easy to do and a very long and expensive project. Your choices are to begin with a standard bow, make it blessed, bloody, dark, limited then attempt to enchant the weapon with scrolls which will cost a lot of money.


As soon as this current event is over the exalted weapon scrolls are going to disappear, first check the exalted weapon scroll in the night market to make sure you can use in auction house and invest as much as you can afford in them and you can make a healthy profit selling them after event ends.

Offense and defense.

Besides your weapon and armour.

Try and make sure you enchant all of your offensive skills has high as you can afford and in particular your forgotten skills for both offense and defense again expensive. Plus the right jewels and artifacts are important.

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