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If you can't win, send petition! (Nephilim) PVP Video October-November 2021


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So where's the PVP ? :)))
All i see is some running around while your boyfriend does some killing.
And then you full buff to kill some afk ppl.

Damn this game is rly dead if this is what "PVP videos" has come to.
You should watch some stuff from let's say 6-7 years ago ... maybe you learn a thing or two.

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If you see the full video, you can see this things:

1. min 12.18 you got 564k damage, afk or not, will be oneshot anyway. If your clan ask war and then go afk, it's not my problem


2. maybe your clan mate phanton can give you some advice (min 5.29 3 died 3 times.... ) afk? :D  nice joke

3. yes it's true, old player's are different, they fight for pvp, instead cry and ask gm to ban me


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