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Aden Castle Siege with Real Cash As Prize


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Dear NCsoft Support Staff,

If you really want this game to be populated, Make  castle siege tournaments with real cash money as reward.

Open new Server then announce it. 

Were in 2022 see how your competitors do. You already milking us money. So why dont u invest in your own game a little ? 10kUSD as start  how would it harm you?

You dont want to spend? atleast let the battle pass money goes into the prize pool?

I've got loads of invitation to illegal server with cash money as rewards for castle sieges? why cant it be in offical?

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I personally am not interested in this issue, but who cares ;

But to think a little better, who is asking for this thing;
Real money as a reward for those who make money from the game;
One more reason for cash out?


what will ncsoft gain? One big nothing

otherwise he will lose the reward from the funds.
Or maybe we will wait for the sponsors afterwards;


There will be no active cat left between us.

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2 hours ago, Einhasad said:

I personally am not interested in this issue, but who cares ;

But to think a little better, who is asking for this thing;
Real money as a reward for those who make money from the game;
One more reason for cash out?


what will ncsoft gain? One big nothing

otherwise he will lose the reward from the funds.
Or maybe we will wait for the sponsors afterwards;


There will be no active cat left between us.

Creating E-sport environment,  without incentive  no 1 will care.


Ncsoft will gain money if they make battle pass and 30% of the money goes to prize pool while rest goes to NCsoft.


What Ncsoft gain ? More people will come to play. You know how many people playing illegal servers for castle siege rewards. 


You will gain alot of players trying to compete. The whales will spend even more to try to win it. But this cant be done without f2p.


From all aspects Ncsoft will gain popularity + money from new players "from illegal servers". There will be no reason for any illegal servers to be around.

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I honestly try hard to believe in this. If you want me to put some math in the equation I will tell you the following. What is the probability that freya will drop rb jewels pack? This is the probability that something like this will happen after 60% of the game has changed.

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Very good idea, it could take maybe a good 40% of the illegal servers clans into this who plays just for the money server owners on illegal servers pay them to play , and then another 30-40% who follows them as the community of lineage, especially with essence not being so much over updated as live servers.

What community managment in ncsoft or innova doesnt know is that the illegal servers just paying 4-5 top clans to play on their server, and some times as little as 1-2-3k euro a month, and then they get back this money from their players this clans bring and way more, so basically even if illegal servers are opening every 1-2 months closing and reopening, they always have the clans to pay so they gather enough community also who plays just for the game enjoyment.

Making a game future, such as Aden siege, which allows both servers to participate with a good reward such as gift cards, ncoins, real cash like biggest game doing, such as csgo, lol, and rest, will attract all these clans who play the game for ''money'', making servers more populated, making some streams of this event, to attract even more people.


Game is old, there is community, lots of it, just is spread over illegal servers and such, ncsoft needs to understand a google or youtube ad won't bring those people into the game.


anyways generaly good idea, maybe it will take @Jujiattention.

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This is an intriguing idea but playing devil's advocate, this should be optional for people who want to partake in the castle siege but don't want to partake in the prize pool. There are plenty of e-beggers in this game who won't spend $10.00 for NCoin, why would they spend $10.00 for a castle siege? Ultimately, i wouldn't spend $10.00 if i know for sure i was going to be on the losing side...

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