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Oly Time Changes Elcadia


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Dear players, 

Can you respond to this topic if the current changes of Oly times have excluded you from participating in it? - simply write you have been affected and can’t participate any longer.

There is a lot of us, working, taking care of children and simply can’t stay online till 23:00 server time.

NCSoft please read this subject and reflect on this. Game is already boring for people who are not in the top clans and can only spend their time in farming  zones!

Cheers to you all. 


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Olympiad was already unreachable on gmt +3 because many of us wake up at 5-6 am, now its gonna be 1 am which is pointless. It's on American time zones so we can't complain, but an easy fix is to have 2 separate olympiad times throughout the day so everyone could join.

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