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Hello Budies,

In the last two months we can see the disparate to price itens in the server NAIA.

i agree with pay to win, but, the best itens are impractical.  the intervention of GMs and programers is necessary so that the prices go back to compatible with the gameplay or increase the volume of rewards on the farms.

One DW Bow 4 trilions

DW Cutter 1.5 trilion

DW in geral 600 a 900 Billions 

Look it!!!

Best reagrds!!!



Fala galera,

Nos últimos dois meses =, nós pudemos ver a disparada dos preços dos itens no servidor NAIA.

Eu concordo com pagou ganhou, mas os melhores itens são impraticaveis. A Intervenção dos GMs e dos programadores é necessária para que os preços retornem ao patamar anterior, ou que as recompensas no farm sejam revistos.

Uma arma dragão 4 trilhões

Uma espada dragão 1.5 trilhão

Qualquer outro tipo de arma dragão varia entre 600 e 900 bilhões

Olhem isto!!!

Forte abraço!




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supply <-> demand

Chronos spends more on events, has a bigger supply of items and lower prices. Naia doesn't, supply is smaller, prices are high.

Whether you like it or no there is no way for this game to be played F2P en masse

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18 hours ago, Dprehl said:

Hello Budies,

In the last two months we can see the disparate to price itens in the server NAIA.

i agree with pay to win, but, the best itens are impractical.  the intervention of GMs and programers is necessary so that the prices go back to compatible with the gameplay or increase the volume of rewards on the farms.

One DW Bow 4 trilions

DW Cutter 1.5 trilion

DW in geral 600 a 900 Billions 

Look it!!!

Best reagrds!!!



Fala galera,

Nos últimos dois meses =, nós pudemos ver a disparada dos preços dos itens no servidor NAIA.

Eu concordo com pagou ganhou, mas os melhores itens são impraticaveis. A Intervenção dos GMs e dos programadores é necessária para que os preços retornem ao patamar anterior, ou que as recompensas no farm sejam revistos.

Uma arma dragão 4 trilhões

Uma espada dragão 1.5 trilhão

Qualquer outro tipo de arma dragão varia entre 600 e 900 bilhões

Olhem isto!!!

Forte abraço!




You can create a character in CHRONOS an watch current prices...

For example the guy who handle the market in CHRONOS is "Andouille" and few more try to sell ítems for 10-15T.... 

The compare what sv is more cheapest!!

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I do not get why so many players say Naia is overpriced. With what NCW has done in the ~ last 6 months so many items went down a lot price wise.

From Lv.5, to Greater Jewels, Bloody/Dark Armor Sets price went down a lot, many DW's are around now, many Cursed Weapons, more and more TOP Kaliel, TOP Artifcat Books, Dragon Rind Leather Shirts, Seed4 Bracelets, Epic Talismans and so on.


Hell, you all got a few weeks time to make insanely easy money with Dragon Slayer Enchanting. Ofcourse you needed to invest time to do so. But if you had some of like 100b you could easily make 1t minimum out of that just with Enchanting and playing the market...

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