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Chaotic Bosses Impossible to kill

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@HermesWe noticed that QA of Chaos have been boosted defensively and now is impossible to kill due the reflect damage and Regen, we can only reduce the HP while we are on limits with Navy and once the limits are gone the regen is more than our damage,  it's ok if we need to kill slowly if that was the intention but the way it is right now we can't kill it.

Core is fine, Apparently QA, Orfen and Zaken should be adjusted to our reality.


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The problem is that, while your intention was to make them slower to kill, the reality is you made them impossible to kill.
It is actually impossible now since either the reflect damage received from the boss is too much, or we go defensively and our damage is not enough to counter the boss's HP regen.
So please have a look at this, and reduce the reflect damage from the bosses to make it realistic. Or the HP regen.
The defensive increase you did reduced our damage on the boss by x150. Im not exagurating, 150x times!

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On 7/8/2022 at 12:22 AM, MiReNo said:

@HermesWe noticed that QA of Chaos have been boosted defensively and now is impossible to kill due the reflect damage and Regen, we can only reduce the HP while we are on limits with Navy and once the limits are gone the regen is more than our damage,  it's ok if we need to kill slowly if that was the intention but the way it is right now we can't kill it.

Core is fine, Apparently QA, Orfen and Zaken should be adjusted to our reality.


On 7/8/2022 at 12:36 AM, iEDMXL said:

The problem is that, while your intention was to make them slower to kill, the reality is you made them impossible to kill.
It is actually impossible now since either the reflect damage received from the boss is too much, or we go defensively and our damage is not enough to counter the boss's HP regen.
So please have a look at this, and reduce the reflect damage from the bosses to make it realistic. Or the HP regen.
The defensive increase you did reduced our damage on the boss by x150. Im not exagurating, 150x times!

Ask more DPS and healer on your server and stop complain.

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Ur suggestions are offering 0. You are just here to flame and offer nothing.
First of all we cannot ask for more DPS and healers in our server. What? You think the GM will spawn players? you know how reality works?
Second, Even with more DPS and Healers, u didnt read what we said.

The mechanics of the bosses are wrong. 
If we choose to go for high damage, the reflect damage from the boss is extreme that no one can survive it.
If we choose to go defensive, the HP regen on the boss is extreme that its impossible to kill.
Like antharas...

@Hermes  please look into this, the adjustments you made made most of these new bosses impossible to kill in our servers.
Need to lower the reflect damage and the extreme HP regeneration.
Defense increase u done is fine, it just means more time to kill.
 But reflect and HP regen make it impossible, doesnt matter if we are there for a week its not gonna die

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On 7/9/2022 at 9:05 AM, PinkV said:

Ask more DPS and healer on your server and stop complain.

seems to me u guys are so butthurt u couldnt do anything in this server to the point u had to quit and u tell us to stop complain lol.. Just quit the server in quiet pls 

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@Hermes GM, what you are doing to the server is awsome:  we as players  know it, and you know it too.

But this chaotic boss changes that you made into the giran classic server, made them impossible to kill by the reasons above posted.

The korean devs made these changes onto their server, that was opened in 2015. They areyears of gear and leveling ahead of us, so these changes does not work on our server, just made Chaotic bosses impossible to kill, like anthras is.

Right now, its a matter of math: even if all of the come to kill antharas or Chaotic QA or Orfen, its impossible to do it - its math - you cant win vs those defenses, relfect damage and HP regen.


You guys, GM's, are making awsome events, alot of free stuff is being given away for the players that really play the game, but you are not paying any attention to the HIGH level players, top geared players. This new content, Chaotic  Bosses, are made for those players. You brought them, we as players found the tactics and ways to overcome this new challenge and all fo the sudden you made them impossible to kill.


Please, bring them, the chaotic bosses, as they were (they were allready insanely strong by the way) or re-work them in a way that they can be killed, even if it takes 1 hour like the OLD anthras or Valakas raid.

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I wanted to stop by to let you all know I'm following the discussion.

The changes are very recent, but we plan to analyze their impact and make appropriate adjustments depending on what we see.

Thank you for the valued feedback 🙂


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