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Chronos Server Connectivity Issues 8/27! - Resolved


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NCSOFT Can you just please just refund me  for the Rune that I just bought. I am not interested in your Angel Cat or Dandy Ball items. I paid with PayPal so I'm looking for a credit please.  I will contact PayPal and dispute this charge. Don't focus on other games  in your network as obviously  you cant even manage this one.

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4 minutes ago, Melman001Hootymcboob said:

I hope someone loses their job over this!!!

+1. I am so sick of their crap and BS! I cancelled my Prestige that was going to renew on Thursday and my Destiny now has only 2 days left on it and I just lost a day. I don't give a damn any more. I'm not buying that again either until this gets resolved to OUR satisfaction!

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15 minutes ago, guti79_99 said:

@HermesI understand there are factors that are out of our control (I work on tech support too), and sometimes it takes some time to figure out a problem. I am with you on that NCSoft. I've been there.

Now, what you have control over is the downtime compensation for Chronos server. A) Olympiad for example, Chronos was not able to compete on the last day of the month to do Oly, and we know the last week is the key. Chronos lost easily 5 or more heroes (lost also legendary hero too) because they were not able to do their matches. B) XP and Dethrone. We all know that Dethrone is the best XP of the week, and several players might not be able to xp during the week because work or life, but they look forward to be in Dethrone because the XP in there will make up for the missing XP during the week. Not only that, we compete in points with Naia and the winner server has extra XP/SP bonus for a month + adena. 

I hope NCSoft realizes that Chronos not just lost 8+ hours (by the time this was posted) of XP in game, it lost more than that. Chronos lost Legendary hero of the month, several other heroes that were in the lead, and it also lost the competition in Dethrone which combined with Legendary hero is a descent xp/sp bonus Chronos won't get for a month.

I don't think the Golden balls are going to be enough of compensation this time, and you know that too. Please be fair with the compensation. Not sure how the compensation will work for heros that lost Oly this month. 

MEGA word up on this.

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Hello everyone,

I know the situation is not ideal. We have our entire team working behind the scenes to get Chronos server back online as soon as possible. 

The issue is much more complex than previously thought, and a lot of work is being done in our Database to ensure the problem is resolved for good. Also, it's not only us here at NCW working to resolve the issue, but the dev team is also involved in the work needed to bring the server back online.

As I stated before, we will plan to compensate everyone once the issue is resolved, but as a direct measure, once servers are back online, the Angel Cat will be spawned.

As most of the work is related to the Database, which is immense, the process is taking longer than expected, and we will need to extend the downtime again. We expect the Chronos to become available at 10 PM PDT.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and I appreciate everyone's support.


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Just now, Hermes said:

Hello everyone,

I know the situation is not ideal. We have our entire team working behind the scenes to get Chronos server back online as soon as possible. 

The issue is much more complex than previously thought, and a lot of work is being done in our Database to ensure the problem is resolved for good. Also, it's not only us here at NCW working to resolve the issue, but the dev team is also involved in the work needed to bring the server back online.

As I stated before, we will plan to compensate everyone once the issue is resolved, but as a direct measure, once servers are back online, the Ange Cat will be spawned.

As most of the work is related to the Database, which is immense, the process is taking longer than expected, and we will need to extend the downtime again. We expect the Chronos to become available at 10 PM PDT.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and I appreciate everyone's support.


Thank you for the update, but what happened? 

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7 minutes ago, Hermes said:

Herkese merhaba,

Durumun ideal olmadığını biliyorum. Chronos sunucusunu mümkün olan en kısa sürede tekrar çevrimiçi hale getirmek için tüm ekibimiz perde arkasında çalışıyor. 

Sorun önceden düşünülenden çok daha karmaşık ve sorunun tamamen çözülmesini sağlamak için Veritabanımızda çok fazla çalışma yapılıyor. Ayrıca, burada NCW'de sorunu çözmek için çalışan sadece biz değiliz, geliştirici ekibi de sunucuyu tekrar çevrimiçi duruma getirmek için gereken çalışmalara katılıyor.

Daha önce de belirttiğim gibi, sorun çözüldüğünde herkese tazminat ödemeyi planlayacağız, ancak doğrudan bir önlem olarak, sunucular tekrar çevrimiçi olduğunda, Angel Cat ortaya çıkacak.

İşin çoğu çok büyük olan Veritabanı ile ilgili olduğundan, süreç beklenenden uzun sürüyor ve kesinti süresini tekrar uzatmamız gerekecek. Chronos'un 22:00 PDT'de kullanıma sunulmasını bekliyoruz.

Verdiğim rahatsızlıktan dolayı özür dilerim ve herkesin desteğini takdir ediyorum.


if something is to be compensated, consider integrating the server before you turn it on, when you do it on weekdays you won't be able to compensate anything.

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5 minutes ago, Hermes said:

Hello everyone,

I know the situation is not ideal. We have our entire team working behind the scenes to get Chronos server back online as soon as possible. 

The issue is much more complex than previously thought, and a lot of work is being done in our Database to ensure the problem is resolved for good. Also, it's not only us here at NCW working to resolve the issue, but the dev team is also involved in the work needed to bring the server back online.

As I stated before, we will plan to compensate everyone once the issue is resolved, but as a direct measure, once servers are back online, the Angel Cat will be spawned.

As most of the work is related to the Database, which is immense, the process is taking longer than expected, and we will need to extend the downtime again. We expect the Chronos to become available at 10 PM PDT.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and I appreciate everyone's support.


so, 1 am eastern? that is absurd guys. really. the entire day has been lost, and the entire server has lost important things from it.


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11 minutes ago, Hermes said:

Olá pessoal,

Sei que a situação não é ideal. Temos toda a nossa equipe trabalhando nos bastidores para colocar o servidor Chronos online novamente o mais rápido possível. 

O problema é muito mais complexo do que se pensava anteriormente, e muito trabalho está sendo feito em nosso banco de dados para garantir que o problema seja resolvido definitivamente. Além disso, não somos apenas nós aqui na NCW trabalhando para resolver o problema, mas a equipe de desenvolvimento também está envolvida no trabalho necessário para colocar o servidor online novamente.

Como afirmei antes, planejamos compensar todos assim que o problema for resolvido, mas como medida direta, assim que os servidores estiverem online novamente, o Angel Cat será gerado.

Como a maior parte do trabalho está relacionada ao Banco de Dados, que é imenso, o processo está demorando mais do que o esperado, e precisaremos estender o tempo de inatividade novamente. Esperamos que o Chronos esteja disponível às 22h PDT.

Peço desculpas pelo transtorno e agradeço o apoio de todos.


acho que está vindo um wipe por ai 

tem previsão para abrir um servidor novo ?

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46 minutes ago, guti79_99 said:

@HermesI understand there are factors that are out of our control (I work on tech support too), and sometimes it takes some time to figure out a problem. I am with you on that NCSoft. I've been there.

Now, what you have control over is the downtime compensation for Chronos server. A) Olympiad for example, Chronos was not able to compete on the last day of the month to do Oly, and we know the last week is the key. Chronos lost easily 5 or more heroes (lost also legendary hero too) because they were not able to do their matches. B) XP and Dethrone. We all know that Dethrone is the best XP of the week, and several players might not be able to xp during the week because work or life, but they look forward to be in Dethrone because the XP in there will make up for the missing XP during the week. Not only that, we compete in points with Naia and the winner server has extra XP/SP bonus for a month + adena. 

I hope NCSoft realizes that Chronos not just lost 8+ hours (by the time this was posted) of XP in game, it lost more than that. Chronos lost Legendary hero of the month, several other heroes that were in the lead, and it also lost the competition in Dethrone which combined with Legendary hero is a descent xp/sp bonus Chronos won't get for a month.

I don't think the Golden balls are going to be enough of compensation this time, and you know that too. Please be fair with the compensation. Not sure how the compensation will work for heros that lost Oly this month. 

Hermes clearly said there would be more compensation in addition to the immediate Dandy balls. You guys need to calm down.

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7 hours ago, Hermes said:

Hello everyone,

Another update: We will need to extend the Chronos server downtime by one additional hour. However, we are bringing the Dimensional server online in a few minutes. 

Regarding compensation, we will be discussing it once the problem is resolved. However, once the server is back online and stable, we will spawn the Angel Cat as an immediate action, and additional compensation will follow during the week. 

I will keep updating this thread with the latest information.


@Hermes, can I get my IOS time stones back since I will not be able to finish the 170mins before reset?

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@Hermes @whomever else is in charge @development team

As a long time player since BETA I wanted to personally thank you for openly showing just how incompetent your team actually is. I understand that the server issues are complex and that your team is working with all available resources to restore game play.

However The Olympiad system is server vs server and so Is Dethrone. The server to allow this competition was down and you and your team or whomever in charge allowed it to be connected and accessed thru NAIA only. This huge failure allowed a SERVER (NAIA) to be able to compete in not just OLYMPIAD but DETHRONE as well. 

THANKS SO much for the notation of compensation, let me guess DANDY BALLS for everyone….. woooohoooo!  Huge slap in the face.

If you are going to allow only one server to access the most contested and competitive part of the game then why not go back to server specific heroes.


I would love to hear the reasoning behind this decision. And just what your team plans to do for compensation for the individuals that spend all month competing.

I am sure I will be silenced for my choice of words but you should really understand my frustration.

Your team allowed NAIA to compete uncontested…

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40 minutes ago, Hermes said:

Hello everyone,

I know the situation is not ideal. We have our entire team working behind the scenes to get Chronos server back online as soon as possible. 

The issue is much more complex than previously thought, and a lot of work is being done in our Database to ensure the problem is resolved for good. Also, it's not only us here at NCW working to resolve the issue, but the dev team is also involved in the work needed to bring the server back online.

As I stated before, we will plan to compensate everyone once the issue is resolved, but as a direct measure, once servers are back online, the Angel Cat will be spawned.

As most of the work is related to the Database, which is immense, the process is taking longer than expected, and we will need to extend the downtime again. We expect the Chronos to become available at 10 PM PDT.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and I appreciate everyone's support.


Take advantage that the developers have been triggered and ask them to solve the "bug" of certain characters that sees enemy approaching HIDE and give blessed escape, also takes advantage and asks him to solve the problem of certain characters when you click on their name, they automatically saw and you and attack you... I can stay here all day citing situations that you and your "developers" know, but... good night and maybe tomorrow the game is on!


good night @Hermes 😘

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2 minutes ago, NagnarX said:


@Hermes @whomever else is in charge @development team

As a long time player since BETA I wanted to personally thank you for openly showing just how incompetent your team actually is. I understand that the server issues are complex and that your team is working with all available resources to restore game play.

However The Olympiad system is server vs server and so Is Dethrone. The server to allow this competition was down and you and your team or whomever in charge allowed it to be connected and accessed thru NAIA only. This huge failure allowed a SERVER (NAIA) to be able to compete in not just OLYMPIAD but DETHRONE as well. 

THANKS SO much for the notation of compensation, let me guess DANDY BALLS for everyone….. woooohoooo!  Huge slap in the face.

If you are going to allow only one server to access the most contested and competitive part of the game then why not go back to server specific heroes.


I would love to hear the reasoning behind this decision. And just what your team plans to do for compensation for the individuals that spend all month competing.

I am sure I will be silenced for my choice of words but you should really understand my frustration.

Your team allowed NAIA to compete uncontested…

Unfortunately we know that not only your indignation, but that of many here will be silenced and ignored as if nothing had happened!

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Hello everyone,

I know the situation is not ideal. We have our entire team working behind the scenes to get Chronos server back online as soon as possible. 

The issue is much more complex than previously thought, and a lot of work is being done in our Database to ensure the problem is resolved for good. Also, it's not only us here at NCW working to resolve the issue, but the dev team is also involved in the work needed to bring the server back online.

As I stated before, we will plan to compensate everyone once the issue is resolved, but as a direct measure, once servers are back online, the Angel Cat will be spawned.

As most of the work is related to the Database, which is immense, the process is taking longer than expected, and we will need to extend the downtime again. We expect the Chronos to become available at 10 PM PDT.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and I appreciate everyone's support.







Hours and HOURS too late You GM's are sooooooo BRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG This company has DUMB people working for them!!! HAHAH Grtz Naia on having a GM playing on your dead server to help you'll... So sad!!!

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