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LAG DC problems


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most of greek ppl who live in greece and have WIND server in phones have problem with lag and disconects is this 

Tο ζήτημα προξενείται από το θέμα του υποθαλάσσιου καλωδίου στην Αγγλια και επηρεάζει το θεμα του gaming προς Αμερική.


The issue is caused by the issue 
of the submarine cable in England 
and affects the issue of gaming to America.
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Today and yesterday in the afternoon lagg and dcs. For over 4 hours. Ncsoft you cant fix lag after the mega update????? What happen? You make events, a lot of people log in boxes chars, me too,  server is in normal state and me amd other people have lag and dcs. Can you fix it or not? I demand to answer to me and other players. The patient is over....... 

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