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2022 vs 2023 Slayer Event (Discuss)


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Hello @Wissp @Hermes @Hyunkel

In last year version we had the possibility to get the "Luna power set" which included 120 Mythical chest +10 Special Slayer scroll (to enchant high ++ slayers) 

in this version, the Classic server got the special pack with the Special scroll but not Live servers, 

Is this intended nerf ? because that pack made a huge impact on the event and the chance to enchant the slayers over +15++ , without them it's gonna be very hard and if not profitable at all.  this is just my opinion, and just to make sure it is an intended change?

Thanks, have a good evening,   feel free to tell us  the reason if possible :) 

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now you got to open the boxes for a chance at the giant scrolls, 2 things happen with this, one you get 1/10th of the normal scrolls. two, the odds for giant scrolls are probably horrendous. I was really looking forward to actually being able to get my self so gear with this event BUT its not looking good for your boy.

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Except the part people will make stage 3 this is going to be lame,stage 1 prices are down aleardy,limited sets wont sell anymore ( most people who can afford got aleardy )

Shilen 10 i tryed to sell for 850 and took me weeks ( imagine in event time )  the problem is we got same items like last year and i think is a super failure except the dragon claw ones. Gl boys

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1 hour ago, iAndouille said:

Hello @Wissp @Hermes @Hyunkel

In last year version we had the possibility to get the "Luna power set" which included 120 Mythical chest +10 Special Slayer scroll (to enchant high ++ slayers) 

in this version, the Classic server got the special pack with the Special scroll but not Live servers, 

Is this intended nerf ? because that pack made a huge impact on the event and the chance to enchant the slayers over +15++ , without them it's gonna be very hard and if not profitable at all.  this is just my opinion, and just to make sure it is an intended change?

Thanks, have a good evening,   feel free to tell us  the reason if possible :) 

Do you ever get tired of complaining about every single event? 

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It's all about more more, more, more, money for NC Soft West for less, less, less, less for the player base. What's new? Get's tiresome doesn't it? just over and over and over, non stop they want thousands of dollars every month at a "chance" and that chance isn't even the advertised chance. 

Let's not forget the elcyum on the server.. or lack thereof. No one at NC Soft West even knows what it takes to craft items, much less how the game plays, but they've made sure NOTHING in the game drops, which would be fine if they gave it out in events.. but they don't know enough about the game to even keep things stable. 

If I ran the parent company and I saw a publisher running my game this way..I'd.... oh wait.. that's right.. NC Soft West WON'T be the publisher for Throne and Liberty.. humm.... guess that answers how the parent company feels about it all. 

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2 minutes ago, mixa said:


its not complaining. its judging how bad they made the event, because we have brains to think and give a critical opinion.    you are actually the one complaining about everything but don't try to make anything changes, its called being a "Sheep"

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Its just a disgrace... would say more but obviously after i ended up banned..  need to surive a bit longer in this game while L3 comes out..


Just no words... simply no words... ignorance.. zero communication.. and team which doesn't give a ***...









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@Hermes @Wissp

the rates are messed up.  we couldnt see rates last time, now we can. 100 sticks previously netted 4-5 +14 slayers. now it nets 1 +14.

once again, you guys take a perfectly amazing, profitable event and go mess it up.  no one is going to spend on this. i'm not risking 100 bucks per claw gamble, which is what this is showing.

thanks for sealing the deal to quit. this was my last hope.  3-4 grand to upgrade my wep when 1 year ago people did it for 300-500 usd?  yea, no ty.



couple this with the abysmal last event for me and 2023 looks to be an L2 free year.

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Rates for transparency for ppl:

+1 - +3 = 100%
+4 - +15 = 60%
+15+ = 30%


100 sticks = 1x +15 for me. it blew up going to 16. i used 590 scrolls.


i am hearing the chests give giant scrolls at about 1/100 rate.  last time we got 10 for 4800 ncoin...


oh yea, and you doubled the cost of the dragon slayer, 20kk > 40kk   just lol man...

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215 slayers = one to +14

Hard pass for me

I don't even need a stage 3 but was still planning to spend a little bit more to get a stage 2 on another toon. Not anymore. All signs are pointing to the fact that you want us to quit instead of you pulling the plug.

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These enchant rates are absolutely horrible. There is no way to reasonably make upgrades this player base needs. Why do you have to ruin a good event.

I can tell you a lot of people will quit from this, they only stuck around in hopes to have a chance at this event and progress their character. Now they will leave, fix this event!!!!

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