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Let's take a look at the new "Update"


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So, after waiting for 6 months, let's see all of the "great" content we have: 

New skills - This was long overdue, however, not only do they cost TWO Greater rune stones, but the drop rates on these have been nerfed into the ground. I have yet to see a single person get a Greater Rune stone from the boxes, from TOI or from Dethroned since the update. New skills, but we cant learn them.. awesome  +1 for new skills -2 for not knowing your own game well enough to ensure people could learn them. 

Tank skills changed to Pattack - THANK GOD, now wouldn't it be nice if the skills like.. oh I don't know.. HATE ..landed in PVP? Weird request.. I know..  +1 for Changes, LONG overdue. 

New hunting areas - Which really are the same "content" we get every update. Im calling this a net 0 

Dethroned - let's be honest here, this was half the patch, and when it's all said and done what do we have? Nothing .. more skills to AFK in dethroned along with new areas to AFK in. The drops are more or less a joke and the  tombs? HUGE NERF to their drop Net 0 

Two more Forgotten skills - YAY.. two more things that cost 1500$ to level to 30... -2 for not listening to ANY Feedback in which this was a HUGE issue.. how expensive these are to get to 30. Not to mention, this further extended the gap between the whales and the entire server. 

Re-tuning the ability tree - this was a good change, allows more defense and more offense, but ultimately it is a wash for pvp. Great for pve. +1

New Boss Monsters - The only drops here that are even remotely worth our time Energy's, soul crystals 9 (kinda but not really) earring box. Is it so much to ask for REAL drops from a Raid Boss, like oh I don't know GREATER RUNE STONES? Or lvl 11 Soul Crystals, or new Gran Kain scrolls?  net zero 

Freya - It looks good, but in typical NC Soft West fashion, I'll reserve judgement until we see how BAD the compounding / drops are. net zero

Soul Crystals - hard to be excited about something I haven't seen drop yet or where the come from. 

Fallen Angels rings/ earring can be exchanged - Solid +1, this was stupid from the get go. 

Gran Kain - Im giving this a -10 because you STOLE all of our Scrolls and didn't not offer anything in return after we paid MONEY for them. 

Hud - nice changes +1


Ultimately this update makes characters "better" and addresses some of the past mistakes of making mobs WAY to strong and wiping away anyone's progress after an update. However, when it's all said and done, there isn't any real NEW content. The quests are tiresome and boring that amount to "kill these while you're afk" . The gap between normal players and whales will grow exponentially with this patch.  NC SOft West was 1000% tone deaf when it came to removing purchased items, without reimbursement, Adding two HUGE expenses in forgotten skills, and not fixing skills to land in pvp. It's all about how much money you spend on gear. It's about catering to those dumb enough to spend thousands of dollars while ignoring the majority of the server and refusing to allow new or returning players to be able to enjoy the game. 

Overall F- 



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You forgot the seer update ruining oly, the damage avoidance added to they could stay in hide perma already is broken. And completely ruins oly for all classes but a yul who can flare them out.


Seers wouldn't be bad if ncsoft upheld their eula and addressed those violating it using inappropriate software. I spectated many seer matches this month and its absolutely occurring. Watching a seer in hide vs an opponent in  hide, the seer casting despa/cat eye purple shirt whenever they are near each other . Its just so obvious who's doing it. No way that's "luck" every match unless they know.where their opponent is in hide 


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38 minutes ago, Rotten said:

You forgot the seer update ruining oly, the damage avoidance added to they could stay in hide perma already is broken. And completely ruins oly for all classes but a yul who can flare them out.


Seers wouldn't be bad if ncsoft upheld their eula and addressed those violating it using inappropriate software. I spectated many seer matches this month and its absolutely occurring. Watching a seer in hide vs an opponent in  hide, the seer casting despa/cat eye purple shirt whenever they are near each other . Its just so obvious who's doing it. No way that's "luck" every match unless they know.where their opponent is in hide 


I play a seer, and most of the people who win hero are cheating to see seers in hide as well. It's a broken system and there is always going to be a top class for oly, if not seer something else

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