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An Open Letter to NC Soft Korea


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I understand you can get away with being unethical in the United States because our laws are not as protective as they are in other countries. However, just because you Can do something, doesn't mean you should. 

The other servers in other countries are FAR more stable, and have a larger player base than those in the USA. They lose less to illegal servers and in general are a much better business model than what we have in the USA. 

Lineage 2, Chronos and Naia, are not fun. NC Soft West has destroyed this game, made it an unfair casino where only the house wins and neglects EVERYTHING the player base asks for.  Low level characters, new players, old players can not play this game at a level that makes it fun... and GAMES should be FUN. Your player base would rather spend some money on 5 geared characters they can use in multiple situations, rather than attempt to bleed everyone dry for tens of thousands to simply try and keep up. The higher that mountain goes, the more people fall off. And the entry into top pvp in this game is nearly unclimbable. 

Lineage 2 was advertised as a "Player driven economy" "Epic sieges" "Group Play" and "Beginner to pro", there is almost nothing left of the once greatest game in the world.

The economy is driven by NC Soft West employees whom have never played the game, who don't understand how things work or how items tie together. Sieges stopped being "Epic" about 8 years ago, Skills don't land in PVP and anyone that hasn't spend $50k will get hit for 10 million damage, it isn't enjoyable, fun or "Epic".

"Group play" is a joke as the need for anything else except buff pots and a rose at the highest level isn't needed, and the game difficulty is SO skewed to the $50k players, even a full group at lower level can't make any progress in the game. The advent of "Auto hunt" is nice for some players, but gone are the rewards for staking out a EXP spot and pulling 1000 mobs a pull and making big adena and big XP (Old forge of the Gods was "Epic"). The fantasy is gone, the immersion is ruined, as the need to control every aspect of a players day culminates in monsters standing in a circle that resist any skills players have, except damage. Nothing actually drops IN the game, (Players use to get a weapon drop or armor piece drop and the entire party would cheer and yell with excitement, because the drops meant something, it was exciting and rewarding, now? That excitement is dead.) 

"Beginner to pro" - There are no more beginners, and the old "pros" can't come back to the game because the new buy in is tens of thousands of dollars. The current business model in place keeps new players and old player away, and when people quit because they are tired of the horrid customer service, they never come back, because the buy in is too high for a company that never cares about the player base. Beginner players will never advance with the current business model, as it is absurd to think a player should be and will be ok with dropping thousands on a 20 year old game, that recieves 2 updates a year and no customer service. Game's and companies (like NC Soft Korea) give updates, and fixes issues now weekly.. not bi annually. 


I understand Throne and Liberty is soon going to be released, Lineage 2 however was once the most popular game in the world. Instead of allowing NC Soft west to drive this once great game into the dirt further, I challenge you to bring it back. Bring back the adventure, the REAL PVP with skills, the uniqueness of the characters, the REAL player driven economy and CRAFTING, real crafting. Time didn't kill lineage 2, newer games didn't unseat lineage 2, NC Soft west did. I know NC Soft Korea agrees with this, if they didn't, Amazon wouldn't be publishing Throne and Liberty.  

Give us our game back, a group of players could run this game, increase player count and increase revenue far better than NC Soft west ever has. Why? Because we actually care, because we actually play, and because we all remember how amazing this game used to be before it was stripped of everything that made Lineage 2 Amazing. 



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