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Where is Einhasad Shop Where You Buy Jewels, Dragon Weapon Stuff?


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We are losing the NCStore...  NCoin can only buy ->Einhassad Coin... What can I do with any remaining NCoin... someone explain how to use 440 Ncoin(I actually do know I can add 400 NCoin, then use 800) How can I use up the NCoin I purchased,... but the change from NCoin -> Einhassad should automatically convert NCoin amounts under the minimum purchase(or put a temp store to use up the extras)

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17 minutes ago, iAndouille said:

Guys its the start of the shop, have some patience :) 

the thing Ando is that they have been stretching the patience of everyone for a while now...i can understand the frustration most of the people are experiencing. its justified but yeah time will tell and hopefully have a decent store/items ingame in a near future. ;)

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we all can see how it works in korea / japan / russia / eu server so anyone naive here to think things will change by much.. it wont.

ncwest decided on overpricing things even worse then before tahts fully on them

the only good thing now is the ability to have certain events from korea which required the einhassad shop in place and the ability to buy those cookies instead of being forced to buy loot boxes

that's it

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I think this is the beginning..... but the end of l2 at least for naia

It is the server that invests less money and it is logical

no one in their right mind will pay 40 euros for 400 coins having the core server that with 5 euros you have 3200 coins

If they don't reverse this disaster, it will only advance chronos

and I already said it in a previous publication......be prudent with the store and everything went according to plan.... play for the upper and privileged class

Too bad I think my 11 years of playing this game end this year

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