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Weekly Maintenance - March 5, 2024

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  • Comet pinned this topic
4 hours ago, Comet said:

Weekly Maintenance – March 5, 2024


3:00 PM PST. See your time zone here: https://everytimezone.com/s/a375ee33

Estimated Downtime
3 hours


  • The Virtual Equipment Season 1 has been extended until April 16.
  • The Sweet Gift promotion will end!


What's the point to extend the VE Season 1 when there is a limit to the points you can collect ? 💤

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4 hours ago, HeTech said:

Red Libra?? 

bro i was said this before, the new update will come when the virtual point reset, it was intended to be today, they extended it, to apr 16, that the date which libra will come

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18 hours ago, KTHNOS said:


What's the point to extend the VE Season 1 when there is a limit to the points you can collect ? 💤

Exactly. Either the total amount of possible points collected needs to be increased, or the number of points needed to equip/ upgrade should be lowered dramatically. As it stands, partially VE characters are still at a tremendous disadvantage against some mobs. Speaking as someone who just came from a 105 daily party where 5 of the members -- some of them level 110 --were in VE. We got wiped out in no time at all. 

I realize that VE is designed to be a temporary stop-gap, but considering it takes players several months to earn the trillions of adena necessary to buy all of the gear that they need to hunt mobs their level, it wouldn't hurt to expand the VE points and options.

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