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Remove looping macro


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After reading what has been posted so far please remove looping macro.  The penalty for botting on macro are item drops when killed by mobs.  However, in the patch we are getting has it mentioned about no item drops upon death.  If this isn't changed, just open the server to all bot programs as that is what will happen anyway.

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6 hours ago, Draecke said:

Korea actually fixed the issue that made it possible for players to go red so you deffi want looping macro's disabled as outside of pking such afk players you will not be able to get rid of them..

Looping macros is just botting lite.  Remove it all.  No point to act any different or not as bad.

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Having looped macros might actually prevent people from using Bot. If this new software (xigncode3) isn't able to stop the current "bot program", it is easy to separate who is using bot to who is using macro. The macros can be easily "punished" if you really want to stop that guy from farming afk. But is important that, on a 1.5 version of Classic, you are able to farm a little bit afk, or even to help with your boxes.

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15 minutes ago, Stormie said:

I am pretty sure that drop item on death to mob is still a thing, it is in current version of all other classic servers.


Read the announcement they made here.  Cause it is listed as it will not be on NC West Classic.



Q: What is the leveling experience like on the Classic server?
The leveling pace of Lineage II Classic will feel significantly slower than that of the Live servers, and characters will begin to cap out at Level 70. The item drop penalty on death from the original version of the game won’t be coming back, but an XP penalty still exists at 4% loss per death. The five starting zones (Levels 1–19) will launch with additional Monsters and increased respawn rates to account for the initial rush through the lower levels.

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5 minutes ago, SpeedStick said:

 The item drop penalty on death from the original version of the game won’t be coming back

I read this but it does not specifically say monster deaths, which is how it works in current classic. it sounds like via normal player deaths, now of course this could be the case but its not 100% clear to me.

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1 hour ago, LiquidBronze said:

What is this "looping macro" in any case? Coming back after a 3-4 year hiatus for the classic server and trying to read and catch up.



Its a function in the game that allows for repeatable actions, this is achieved by entering actions in lines under a tab marked macro. If you move the macro to your toolbar and right click it repeats.

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On 21/09/2018 at 4:39 AM, SpeedStick said:

After reading what has been posted so far please remove looping macro.  The penalty for botting on macro are item drops when killed by mobs.  However, in the patch we are getting has it mentioned about no item drops upon death.  If this isn't changed, just open the server to all bot programs as that is what will happen anyway.

It's from the chronicle man...Why should they change it ?

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Don't want macroses - just don't use them.

Maybe you can not write (not only macroses), but why should this be the problem of everyone else? To play comfortably I have to run 3 windows: the main DD, one buffer and heal/SoS. Macro create the illusion of interaction and add depth to the immersion. I generally wait for the time when all three characters can be launched in one window, as in Neverwinter.
The fact that macroses need to be modified or made an option for premium accounts is another matter.

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