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Hi. I see all these petitions about giran timezone and i know i might be selfish (bcz eu server has only eu timezones) but can leave it like that please? :D

I bet many EU players wanna join the server bcz of no subscription  and stuff and it would be shame to make it hard for us to play only bcz this is NA and timezones must be NA (i personaly disagreed with only eu timezones too ). I played on AION NA 3 years and i had to play with ping kilers and at crazy EU (really early in the morning or really late at night) time cause of NA timezone  and kept playn cause of the great community and administration. Since there is an option to make it better for us dont spoil it.

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Yes I am happy that Giran is staying GMT+1 and also happy that NA is getting a GMT-5 for Talking Island. That way everyone should be happy.

For me NCSoft West is just the real Lineage2. I have my level 99 character on there as well and it would feel really strange to be excluded now that classic servers are coming. Just a big thank you! I am looking so much forward to this.

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