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Remove Auto-PickUp adenas and Auto-Learn skills


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Auto-pickup does not harm the game and is a great benefit to people who kill at range (nukers, archers) since they don't have to waste time running around to pick things up.  I wish they'd expand it to include items and spoils.  Auto-learning skills is a nicety that adds convenience and does no harm to the game.  Looping macros from hunting harm the game and should be banned.  The ideal solution is to allow looping for buffing/healing but not for hunting/attacking.  That would require programming, though, that I'll bet the development team is unwilling to do.  

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1 hour ago, Lawman said:

Auto-pickup does not harm the game and is a great benefit to people who kill at range (nukers, archers) since they don't have to waste time running around to pick things up.

Auto-pickup working only with adena, for other drop nuker or archer must run to pickup.

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1 hour ago, Gazob said:

And keep looping macro, thanks!!!

But specially, let's have the actual classic experiece interacting in the city (guild masters and store npcs), there are almost 0 interactions in the cities now (too much free stuff)...



NCSoft is trolling any1 who really loves this game.

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2 hours ago, ChicoNever said:

Adena auto-pick up is fine. And please don't make us go the npc just to learn a couple new skills everytime we level. Absolutely unnecessary. This is the kind of QoL stuff that should continue.

"everytime" as if you're gonna be leveling like high-rate private garbage LOL, only during low levels you'll need to move to town a bit often, this has always been part of the old days of lineage, you could decide if you wanted to go back or continue grinding, this has always been a core gameplay design, there is a reason why every town has guild masters all around, they're not there for decoration.

And, it isn't "QoL", it actually changes some dynamics of the game... if all I had to do is click on mobs and pvp then why don't they just give me top D, top C, top B just to click on different mobs faster? Wait...

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3 hours ago, Lawman said:

Auto-pickup does not harm the game and is a great benefit to people who kill at range (nukers, archers) since they don't have to waste time running around to pick things up.  I wish they'd expand it to include items and spoils.  Auto-learning skills is a nicety that adds convenience and does no harm to the game.  Looping macros from hunting harm the game and should be banned.  The ideal solution is to allow looping for buffing/healing but not for hunting/attacking.  That would require programming, though, that I'll bet the development team is unwilling to do.  

"Oh nooo I'm a ranged character with a trillions advantages over melee characters!! oh noo, I got one "disadvantage" I'm so worthless now!!" said no one ever in old lineage, you could skip adena drops if they were too low, or you could keep grinding like the usual, no one complained about that, it was a fun and rewarding feeling to kill stuff and see the drops, or even pick it up from other players when you were a poor newbie, there are practical interactions and decisions to make (unless it starts to lag the server).

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3 hours ago, Lawman said:

Auto pickup of adena has been on the official servers for several years now.  Darned if I understand why anyone objects to it.  It works fine on the live servers.

Because live servers isn't "lineage" a long time ago, it's just a theme parked fiesta with lineage graphics.

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14 hours ago, Gazob said:

"everytime" as if you're gonna be leveling like high-rate private garbage LOL, only during low levels you'll need to move to town a bit often, this has always been part of the old days of lineage, you could decide if you wanted to go back or continue grinding, this has always been a core gameplay design, there is a reason why every town has guild masters all around, they're not there for decoration.

And, it isn't "QoL", it actually changes some dynamics of the game... if all I had to do is click on mobs and pvp then why don't they just give me top D, top C, top B just to click on different mobs faster? Wait...

No, not ''as if''. This has nothing to do with how often you level up. This is about saving players from unnecessarily coming back to town.

By ''dynamics'' you mean ''spend a scroll of scape to go back to town to speak with 1 NPC and then return'', then yeah, this has absolutely no impact whatsoever on the actual dynamics of the game.

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literally the only group looping macro benefits is farmers, it kind of blows my mind people are so short sighted and blind to the obvious.  Same goes for picking up adena and all the other "QOL" which just automates gameplay.

The biggest group crying about it are the casuals, which will absolutely benefit the most from removing it.  It's a simple concept really.  Removal of automation will keep inefficient players relatively closer to efficient players in wealth, exp, and power.  That's a huge net gain for casuals.

Casuals will still make boxes and drag them behind their DD just fine, you buff (and even s/d) and go.

The players it affects are those who make the 9 man trains on 3 pc's or VM's to farm adena.  The very same people the casual players hate.

It's really that simple.  Embrace it, casuals.

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19 hours ago, Gazob said:
21 hours ago, ChicoNever said:

Adena auto-pick up is fine. And please don't make us go the npc just to learn a couple new skills everytime we level. Absolutely unnecessary. This is the kind of QoL stuff that should continue.

"everytime" as if you're gonna be leveling like high-rate private garbage LOL, only during low levels you'll need to move to town a bit often, this has always been part of the old days of lineage, you could decide if you wanted to go back or continue grinding, this has always been a core gameplay design, there is a reason why every town has guild masters all around, they're not there for decoration.

Your comprehension abilities left me astounded

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8 hours ago, TrOLLw said:


That's nice if Coca-cola went back to their old formula, but Lineage's formula is more complex than a soda, and has been changing since it was launched, and so will the Classic version. 

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10 hours ago, Bluephies said:

That's nice if Coca-cola went back to their old formula, but Lineage's formula is more complex than a soda, and has been changing since it was launched, and so will the Classic version. 

wut? Coca cola classic is the original recipe, theyve never patent ed it because it is so complex noone can figure it out so they just have this guy with a steel briefcase on his arm with the recipe in it and all he does is fly around in planes running from Secret agent pepsi's.  I press a mouse button and lineage 2 character moves. Simple. No planes.  No recipe and no secret agent pepsis.

Your keybored must cringe when u touch it with how stupid you sound. check ur head kid this is why millenials dont own houses.


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