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No drop on death during PvE is one thing but this...


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You should really change this back to how it was, item drop to monsters is not needed but PK item drop for sure.

@Hime @Juji why do you implement something like that and not even asking the community what they want, change it back how it was.

You have done far enough with the ingame shop and all the XP stuff inside and i hope you dont get in the same way with the shop like u did on normal l2 cause this p2w shit is nothing we want for classic.


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PK chance to drop on death is a MUSS for a classic feel.

I really dont understand phenomena of going this way where item (if it will drop) will be just destroyed, nosense.. Yet i know its not gonna be 100% stricte classic version but refreshed one, but still.. its rly bad

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I totally agree with people.

Ye drop item on death from mob actually sucks.. because u can lag, u know.. etc.. but PK...u pk someone and now u can lose item. As for u the pk player it doesnt matter u will drop item or it will be destroyed. But for other ppl it does matter. What is the point now to follow/hunt person who has pk? If it will give you NOTHING. Back in days we hunted them to get you know DROP. But now... this just... SUCKS :)

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10 hours ago, KABAL said:

I seriously believe that too many players from private servers came here and they all think that people will go PK +4 because 'is fun'. 

This is x1 ! x1 ! Now, tell me who in their right mind would go PK+4 in a server with this rates?! 

For PK's, we should not see a difference yes? Because they still lose. 

Let's see how many people will go PK, yes?


I woke up and people are still crying about it. Juji said they WILL pass it on to the developers. End of. 

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Ich finde dieses Thema spannend und traurig zugleich. Spannend, weil es so viele Ansichten und Meinungen zu einem so wichtigen Thema wie diesem gibt. Ich fing 2004 an, Teon zu spielen und verliebte mich sofort in L2, es war ein Spiel, das sich anfühlte, als wäre es seiner Zeit voraus. Sicher, es gab andere Spiele, die grundsätzlich das gleiche Gameplay-Prinzip hatten, aber was für L2 wichtig war, war einfach die Tatsache, dass Leute von anderen Spielern für ihr Fehlverhalten (PK) bestraft werden konnten, indem sie sie töteten und mit etwas Glück Gegenstände von ihnen bekamen um sie zu bekommen. Die Leute hatten 2 Auswirkungen des 1. Spiels, nicht das Spiel selbst Leute, die sich nicht richtig benahmten, aber das wurde von anderen Spielern gemacht. Der zweite Effekt war, dass die Leute durch die Möglichkeit, dass sie einen Item sehr stark respektierten, rote Teammitglieder bekommen und sie zur Rechenschaft ziehen konnten. So war man Jäger, Sammler und Henker zur gleichen Zeit. Jetzt kommen wir jedoch zu dem traurigen Teil. Du nimmst dem Spieler mit dem neuen Wechsel genau diese tolle Erfahrung, die einst dieses tolle Spiel verliehen hat. Meiner Ansicht nach!!! Und viele alte Spieler werden mir sicherlich zustimmen, dass Sie mit solch einer drastischen Änderung für die SPIELER Sie gefragt haben könnten, was sie von solch einer Veränderung halten. Bitte erinnere dich an die guten alten Zeiten, bleib dem SPIEL und den SPIELERN treu. Willst du ihn klassisch machen? Dann tu das bitte auch. Sorry Google Übersetzung

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3 hours ago, Payne said:

Without the item drop there is no incentive and reward to hunt down red players. This will kill the heart of Lineage 2.

If without the item drop there is no incentive for you to hunt or to help (depending on their and your affiliation) red players, you are playing the wrong game.

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12 hours ago, rpgmaniac said:

WTF! is that??? --> Items do not drop upon a character’s death (including Chaotic characters)

Tell me that you are joking... ok most people agree to remove drop on death for non-chaotic characters but the drop on death for red-named/chaotic characters is & always was a part of what L2 is all about, you can't remove this from the server & keep on calling the server "classic" this is unacceptable don't do that! without this the server is not classic I don't know wtf is it but classic is not, classic doesn't mean "just grind till you bleed & that's all about it..." PK that include drop on death for PKers is a part of L2 & without risking to drop your gear the choice of PKing someone doesn't have near the same impact, this ruin the whole feeling you must change that you turn the server to full-carebear mode & this choice I guarantee you it will drive away countless people who were planning to play until they read that single line in the patch notes, there is still time change this or you are risking to ruin it all, I mean it, I don't know who thought to do this but this is 100% wrong, DON'T DO THIS!




100% agree!

I'm really mad now.

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