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Old Patch Notes


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Is there a way to view old patch notes?  I am returning after almost 2 years of not playing and would like to read them.  They used to be on the forums, but I can't seem to locate them anymore.  PLEASE HELP.  Thanks!

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On ‎2018‎-‎09‎-‎25 at 4:14 PM, modnar said:

Hi all,

If you haven't been following this post regarding the old forums being removed, then you may of missed that many people wanted to keep this online for future reference.

You can now view the "revived" forum here. Please view this comment for a little more information.

I know this might seem like a "duplicate" topic, but I didn't want the link to get lost as it's a few pages in and hopefully having this will make it easier to find.

maybe this will help...


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I'm not sure specifically, I just logged in for the first time in almost 2 years and a lot of my skills got replaced and I just wanted to kinds catch up by reading the patch notes for the last 2 years.  Sorry that isn't more helpful.  

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