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Is there a point to start?


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Hi guys,

I'm lineage 2 fan boy , I played the game since it was released but back in the name I wasn't playing in offi servers more like in private one where the rate was x5 x6 or so. Anyway  I saw the classic launch I join there with all the packs for exp I can buy , but honestly I don't have the time like before I can't level there its way to slow and bore me to death. I know that GoD servers are quite faster , so my question is, if I start now I dont mind purchase i mean I wont put 1000$ every month but i can put some money lets say 100$+ will I be able to do some pvp? Is the server death? I'm seeing that status and right now classics have 5500 ppl and are heavy while naia got 2k , so its half the people but I think thats not bad?
Any way my question is in general.  Is there any huge pvp? And will I be able to level or there is no commuity that is leveling and every1 is like 105+ and just log to pvp?
Thx guys

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From what I saw from Classic: Yeah, hellish slow and boring. Official Live Servers surely have the better version of L2 and my guess would be that many of the Classic players will join Live after a while.

About your question:
Lvl-wise, you will be able to catch up. Up to lv99 or 101 levelling is very fast, and even after that it's not incredible hard to hit 105 or 106 for most ppl. It's a good time to come back as last update shifted the max-level, so currently everyone is xping.
Gear is another story:
If you wanna be top of the top, 100$/months won't help you much. For being good and wanted in PVE, it will easily be enough though. If you spend your $ wisely, you will also be able to join PVP after a while. Problem is, that currently there is not much PVP on NAIA. There is MAX vs. DH, lower clans do not PVP most of the time (don't ask me why...). So it might well be that you'll find PVP only after you join one of the 2 big clans, before that there isnt much going on, at least not that I know off.
The "everyone is xping" I mentioned before also has a downside: Many players from the big clans detag for XP to avoid clanwar and carebear it up.

Since some weeks we have a new (old) producer (Juji) that is highly regarded in the community, so there is a hope some of the core-problems (total P2W overkill madness and therefore huge gab between players, zero communication w/players) might get cared for to some extend.

Even with all the flaws, I still enjoy the game a lot, after many years, so I'd suggest you give it a try.


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On 10/7/2018 at 12:17 PM, Mytlass said:

Hi guys,

I'm lineage 2 fan boy , I played the game since it was released but back in the name I wasn't playing in offi servers more like in private one where the rate was x5 x6 or so. Anyway  I saw the classic launch I join there with all the packs for exp I can buy , but honestly I don't have the time like before I can't level there its way to slow and bore me to death. I know that GoD servers are quite faster , so my question is, if I start now I dont mind purchase i mean I wont put 1000$ every month but i can put some money lets say 100$+ will I be able to do some pvp? Is the server death? I'm seeing that status and right now classics have 5500 ppl and are heavy while naia got 2k , so its half the people but I think thats not bad?
Any way my question is in general.  Is there any huge pvp? And will I be able to level or there is no commuity that is leveling and every1 is like 105+ and just log to pvp?
Thx guys


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  • 2 weeks later...

With 4th classic server opened today(4th since 3 Oct 2018) and recent outrageous golden compass event,  I assume NC West is aiming to drain $$$ from classic version, and do not care to keep alive "live" servers. Lots of cheap items on the market, people leaving. My bet is that somewhere in summer 2019 we will receive emails like this:



The only question here is that will Chronos be merged with Naia BEFORE, or closed both at once :S

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