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REPORT - Adena Selling


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2 minutes ago, Devylin said:

Easy to find out who buys Adena..

NCSoft GM: Hmm, this guy has 2 million Adena on him. He must have bought it, no way he already has that much with the shitty Adena drop rates we established! Ban hammer!

Yeah, except RMT sellers don't even have 2kk adena to sell.

And why would they ban anyone for "having" 2kk adena? Who said that a person "bought it"? Maybe he just traded it for free as a friend. It's impossible to prove adena rmt. Even account selling. (Don't remember what was written in rules about account sharing).

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9 minutes ago, Devylin said:

Easy to find out who buys Adena..

NCSoft GM: Hmm, this guy has 2 million Adena on him. He must have bought it, no way he already has that much with the shitty Adena drop rates we established! Ban hammer!

So anybody who have more wealth than you is a thief ? You are new to game this is obvious . Also with your thinking if 100 ppl go and kill a raid and somebody pick up a d grate equipment he should get ban since he wouldn’t be able to solo the raid , so were he found sutch an equipment ban him . 

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Please report all bots, spammers and goldsellers that you encounter to our Customer Support and they will be able to take the appropriate actions. We appreciate all reports and images submitted to our Support, and thank everyone who help us with the fight against bots. However, please refrain from further spreading their illegal activities by reposting their information on our forums.

Thank you kindly!

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