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Olympiad/Ceremony of Chaos


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Please alternate times, or add new times for these events.  Currently I can't complete Exalted quest because the times don't work in my favor.  I know this is the case for a lot of people.  If we could even do every 12 hours, it would at least give more people a chance to participate in these events.

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The main reason why most competitive events have been moved into a very short time frame in pretty much all modern or modernized MMOs is because if you allow larger (or additional) time frames, the minimal participant criteria will no longer be met. If removed or reduced to account for player deviation towards one of the alternatives that suits them best, it becomes much easier to create tailored (pre-arranged) matches, effectively removing the competitive aspect.

TL;DR we need at least 10x more players to even consider adding an extra hour to the current timeframe. Your only option is to move to another server or just forget about these features. On the other hand, as Keucereus Defense shows, the idea is to cram in as many competitive stuff into the period between 1 AM and 4 AM. As if people who were hoarding the non-random raids (like QA) weren't enough.

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