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Top archer Cp LF EE or BP with two hands. Giran


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Undercover CP is joining NCSoft server Giran tomorrow Friday 12th October. We are going to be an Archer CP. As our normal Bishop/ EE cannot join the server, we are now looking for an experienced Bishop or EE to join us.
Main criteria:
-    4-5 hours playtime almost every night from 20:00 GMT+3 (exceptions are accepted, we will have some drivers)
-    Willing to purchase for exp boosts (at least Chronicle Pack and scrolls to fast lvl 40)
-    Good English speaker. CP is predominantly Greek (5/9), French (2/9) and Lithuanian (1/9)
-    Willing to play on this server for a long time
In case you are interested to join our awesome team, please add me on Discord: iRadicaL#7101. Please keep in mind that in Discord names are Case Sensitive.
Hurry up and snatch that last spot!
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