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official answer please...


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why this program bot work in your server?all can use but why risk items moths farm and adena and a lot years players who spent $$$$$ to nc coin to take a good gear. don't risk...and all low lvl area is full off bots...and farm billions. do auto with program the quests....tnx a lot but I don't think this is ok....you can see all this alone in game...I apologize but we spent $$$ to nc coin or spent time of real life to farm they don't do any think.just press start to program in one two months is billionaires in game..etc if you can do something is ok...sorry again and have good life to all :)


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i think you are new here :D bots in NC west servers were online in huge numbers since game went FTP and nobody fixed this issue till now and probably wont fix ever because they cant hire 1-2 ppl who can log into game as game masters and ban bots regular :D

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I am not new I play in l2 from 2004 but...before years ... to be real with you sir's and lady's I use programs all time but before a lot years one day all chars and all account's ban...is ok I don't cry for this I wake those years I press start and I don't do anything actually :) but now I think we have 2018....isn't difficult to fix a shield for this programs...my work is to fix programs and made new programs for pc...is ok but but...be serious all know to use this programs years now! and is easy to take and keep it secret from anyone...:) etc ok...nc soft problems have to fixed years now!he have the knowledge to do I belive ?

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