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[Talking Island] Dynasty is recruiting


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Dynasty is an active North American clan on the Talking Island server. We currently have roughly 40 active players and are looking to grow slightly.

Some details...

Prime Time: 6pm to 3am Eastern Time Zone (GMT -5)

Average Level: 30 to 40

Clan Structure: We are a mixture of Constant Parties (CPs) , where players play together at set schedules and pool resources to advance, and Regular Exp Groups (REGs), where players semi-commit to a time to log in and group up with the same group every day, but they don't pool resources or have set schedules. REGs are a good way to allow soloers or small groups of friends to integrate into the clan and get a group to exp with.

Clan Dues: Every week we expect players to pay clan dues. They serve two purposes, primarily as a way to raise funds for Clan Levels (Proof of Blood), Clan Skills, Clan Hall Purchase, and Clan Hall Upkeep. These dues are very affordable and as such serve as a secondary way to see who is active and who isn't active. Currently dues are 20,000 adena a week per person. If you can't afford or aren't active enough to farm 20,000 in 7 days, Dynasty is not for you.

Stance on PvP: We regularly engage in PvP. We don't back down from a fight, and always are rushing to defend any clan members or parties. In order to build clan unity and cohesion, we try to have the entire clan grind near each other so we can rush to the aid of anyone that needs it. This has been instrumental in building clan morale, and working on our movements and tactics. If you join Dynasty, you will be PvPing and you must be willing to defend and fight for your clan mates.


Interesting in joining? Join us on discord https://discord.gg/RXVakRE



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22 hours ago, Screamer said:

Let me guess. SKD? lol.

bump! good clan

Not sure who you are referring to, but our highest level is currently mid 40s with exp scrolls and dimensional blessing to get to high 40s. He's a beast. =D


Most of us are mid 30s still, more and more hitting 40 though.


We're still recruiting a few more members! Everyone is welcome join one of the few clans that haven't made deals with any Russians and are actually progressing independently. =D


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Hello, can i join? I'm a solo player lv around 30 rogue with all D grade bow and trying to get top D weap, got vip 2 and play around 4 hours a day or sometimes even more cause i'm in college and it required so much time, i play L2 since 2004 and play TH in every chronicle so im doing the same here.

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