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Share Accounts Bannable?


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Hi, I got some information that share account its bannable, would like to know if its that true? Cause if its true, ur CP/Clan cant help you lvling up if you cant log for few days, or even if you are off and CP/Clan needs you char for x reason?..

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I'm pretty sure Hime said that while it is indeed against the rules, they are not actively looking for it. If they notice multiple people share an account, they will ban it, but as long as you don't do stuff like both people submitting support tickets about the same account, or multiple people paying for stuff for the same account, you should be fine.

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That is a long time problem, I had similar discussion long long ago...

Being Clan Leader and ofc not able to be online all the time there is a lot of things that needed to be done and only the Clan Leader can work with, the discussion by the time was something about authorize a player to share account information or to have a system to delegate a second player as co-leader whatever they wanted to call him, and permissions like if Clan Leader don't log for X days, CL functions can be managed by Y and if CL don't log for Z days, player Y change to CL and CL can only be fully changed after W days.


That got almost nothing from Nc by the time, apart from some messages apart from the forum Nc never wanted to assume anything about account sharing and it is understandable, while having no deeper system to handle things in Clans can make things hard for a lot of people that try to accomplish some goals.

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