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Must decide


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So i got an account with two characters one must be deleted.

Im a solo player most of the times...and i want a character who will mainly exp either in pt or solo

The two characters will be a warlord and the other one is a sorcerer 

So if anyone could help me decide it will be appreciated

(i dont have anykind of box like pp wc and i wont raise one)

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depdens what you like to play :D nobody can decide that for you :) i'm in the same situatian as you but i lean to play a Sorcerer 

Worlock on this server is kinda of a Solo character ....he can buff a littel his pets but better is to have some PP buffs at least. I can add that if u play an reach the KING and Queen PETS he becomes a monster but on 1x its extremly hard

Socerer is Solo and Party character....solo also he needs PP buffs for a decent experiance sesion


I will Choose Sorc couse i rly like the animations and i think its a litter more fun 

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4 hours ago, Birdy said:

depdens what you like to play :D nobody can decide that for you :) i'm in the same situatian as you but i lean to play a Sorcerer 

Worlock on this server is kinda of a Solo character ....he can buff a littel his pets but better is to have some PP buffs at least. I can add that if u play an reach the KING and Queen PETS he becomes a monster but on 1x its extremly hard

Socerer is Solo and Party character....solo also he needs PP buffs for a decent experiance sesion


I will Choose Sorc couse i rly like the animations and i think its a litter more fun 

Well thenks for your reply i appreciate it but im between Warlord(spear,polearm)  and sorcerer(the mage)  

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it made sense in my head to speak about worlock and sorc because both are from wizzard:))) so Warlord.....i actually think its made for pve only ....good for aoe but i would pick sorc all the time ....i dont kinda like the Warlord

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55 minutes ago, Pepperoni said:

What about buffs? Well i have PP from my orc box, but now rerolling another box would be a drag..

The point is that a PP gives almost no benefit to a sorc (also to a spellsinger)

No Curse death link to benefit from bless the body, no body to mind (effective one) to benefit from slight heals... Only acumen + zerk (and you can get acumen lvl 2 pots). And even though, both Sorc n sps have nice casting speed.


With an SE you get empower (++++) and recharge along with standar buffs (concen, ww , shield, mental shield)

With an EE you miss empower but you get clarity and... dunnow if wild magic, and the idea of a future prophecy of water. 

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