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Server and Class


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Hello everyone, 

I decided to join the world of  Lineage II Classic to live the official experience once again. So I am a European Greece player and I see in Giran Server  always a queue so I have to w8 a lot. Which sever do you recommend me to play ? 

I want to play a nuker, which one should I roll ? Necro , Spellsinger or Spellohowler ? 

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Go for Sorcerer.... just... because ... of ... FIRE!!!!! *mua ha ha ha ha*

Server.. no idea.
If you want low login times then you should go on a server with low/medium traffic at your play times.

I play on Giran.
On evening I have 30min to login with VIP... it's annoying but survivable.
On weekends I need 2h to login... no chance of playing spontaneous... I try then to login on the morning, in case I wanna play in the evening.... :/



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