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Remove Wizard and Warrior Harmony


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25 minutes ago, Draecke said:

lol no that favors archer/ daggers way to much and those classes don't need any extra boost in Oly

You also need that little boost :D you can use all your skill fast like your stun and jump attack and armor destruction :), so all Physical Class can benifit it. not just othell and yull.

Just think about feoh and sayha, they have better cd cause of Wizard Harmony.

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12 hours ago, Draecke said:

lol no that favors archer/ daggers way to much and those classes don't need any extra boost in Oly

just 1 more thing,
With same gear i have i make nice damage agains on healer, mostly i make 20% hp but then i need to wait like 4 sec, this 4 sec, healer will gain back his/her HP+Cp, and my boost skills, stay like 15 sec, if the healer keep my damage like 20 sec, will won the match.
How about you? you have chance to beat same geared Healer Feoh Sayha?
Just think Healer have 2 cele panic heal that heal back so fast you cant keep same damage, so with criers harmony, at least your cd its lowered.
My Stab have 3 sec reuse heart to, stun have 5 sec reuse same for bluff, if i get wizard harmony, i lose like 30% damage.
So your mesaage have no sense.
1 more thing, was watch match between llllllllulllll "Othell" with top gear + stage 2 dragon weap vs DH Iss  the iss was have less gear then this top othell, and the iss won the match by damage.
So can you stop crying othell damage? othell not the top on oly at all. healer iss sayha feoh is, with same gear.

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