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Reporting Scammers, Bots, & Adena Sellers


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19 minutes ago, Shakedown said:

Yes, the devs added BSoes, Instanced hunting zones and some other garbage that ruined PVP and destroyed the game. - Then the game died and became f2p and has been trash ever since.

Sorry buddy, the game has been good ever, not perfect of course and the difference between the payment method and the free service is just the quantity of people and the level of arrogance of all those who believe that money buys everything and all the others are crap. I'm happy hearing all those VISA owners Crying rivers about free players and free game, but I don't understand why if they love the Pay to Win method, now they are logged into a truly free server hahaha, it have no sense. The only acceptable river of their tears that is valid, is the all known issue about BOTs, which is not a problem related to pay or not... but whatever, for all those who loves to invest money in games, always the problem will be the non paying issue. But Guess what, this won't change, it will go to the ruin if it is necessary, but it will go staying at truly free mode. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D   Don't love Bots, but Love Truly Free Style!!

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28 minutes ago, NazgullSupport said:

Sorry buddy, the game has been good ever, not perfect of course and the difference between the payment method and the free service is just the quantity of people and the level of arrogance of all those who believe that money buys everything and all the others are crap. I'm happy hearing all those VISA owners Crying rivers about free players and free game, but I don't understand why if they love the Pay to Win method, now they are logged into a truly free server hahaha, it have no sense. The only acceptable river of their tears that is valid, is the all known issue about BOTs, which is not a problem related to pay or not... but whatever, for all those who loves to invest money in games, always the problem will be the non paying issue. But Guess what, this won't change, it will go to the ruin if it is necessary, but it will go staying at truly free mode. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D   Don't love Bots, but Love Truly Free Style!!

We're here playing because this is the only game of it's kind. It's still a good game, it could just be ran much better in many peoples opinions.

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3 hours ago, NazgullSupport said:

I hate Bots and I hope they get finished or reduced soon, but not by your payment method... Did you read the sentence "Trully Free"?

Truly free is a terrible business model and they need to change it or at least significantly modify it.

You got the point, at least.

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I literally see the same person sitting by a gatekeeper for weeks, that has a store with a website to buy adena. So...forgive me if I don't believe you ban bots :/ In the next few months, 90% of the server population will just be bots, as real players are dropping off.

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7 hours ago, Lightkeeper said:

*puts tinfoil hat on*

Devs actually have a nearly perfect control of bots and majority of them get banned, BUT they add their own so they can cash in on the adena selling, resulting in this server making as much money as they've made on subscription for past 10 years. :D

LOL, The possibility exists and I f I have learned something here in my country (Colombia), is that corruption no have limits. xD

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I get messages from bots all the time and i see them in game , meanwhile I use my  best friend SE to go level up my dwarf alt and have it follow and got locked in both , thinking there is no way This stick because i never used anything , dont even have nothing on the PC that isnt installed , so even being the biggest fail I  have ever seen when it comes to Support and Gm´s I really tought it was impossible but apparently my notepad ,chrome or whatever program  got me banned and my friend account for no reason , this is pathetic . This guys are such a fail that I cant even go out at lvl 43 and farm , we cant even sustain our soulshots being grade C ,seeing that i go level a dwarf to make some money, loose lots of time on it and had all my trade stuff(mats) on it and get banned forever for no reason , they cant even tell me the program it had conflit so now seeing i didnt use anything bad i have no Idea when i will get banned in my main , i formated but even so I am kind of afraid of putting time in to this game now , but then again this guys are killing the server , the queues are not better because they are fixing it , they are better because people are starting to leave..They go to the extreme of being resolving this issue of adena for ages , they take out the ports because they know its not possible with it seeing the adena drop on the server after lvl 40 , fail to fix the adena and put ports back , truly amazing.

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2 hours ago, jonzi said:

I get messages from bots all the time and i see them in game , meanwhile I use my  best friend SE to go level up my dwarf alt and have it follow and got locked in both , thinking there is no way This stick because i never used anything , dont even have nothing on the PC that isnt installed , so even being the biggest fail I  have ever seen when it comes to Support and Gm´s I really tought it was impossible but apparently my notepad ,chrome or whatever program  got me banned and my friend account for no reason , this is pathetic

Ever heard of account sharing being a bannable offense? Welcome to L2

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On November 12, 2018 at 2:21 AM, GodEmperorRump said:

Can someone explain to me how a company like NCsoft can't hire like one friggin guy to do a bot sweep of all the servers at a random time of day once per day at the very least?

Let me tell you why, because they implement a system so you do their job with the bot report button but remember if You "abuse it" You get hammered. how convenient Right? Forget about the report system,let them hire real people to do the search for bots. they getting paid right? Any other game I play before use to have GM in game almost everyday or GS who can assist them. And if you got problems with the bots come to the forum to the support section make a ticket about it if they ask for photos ask them to be in game to do their job.

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On 12/11/2018 at 9:21 AM, GodEmperorRump said:

Can someone explain to me how a company like NCsoft can't hire like one friggin guy to do a bot sweep of all the servers at a random time of day once per day at the very least?

i suppose they cant find nobody

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On 11/9/2018 at 10:14 PM, ImmonsC1 said:

Great that you have that PR, now start to ban them for real.

PS. And do something with rates quickly, cause you lose player base.

I have played 2 weeks in a clan with a guy who is now destroyer 52+ and he admitted himself many times that he is using a bot and destroyed our clan farm with a bot not once and 

i have reported him twice with creating a ticket and guess what?? HE IS STILL PLAYING :D

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Seriously made for the seller adenas and their spamm! it was hell just a few moments before your last update, I had some blocker, and any after that down on November 15th the same had come back. So do you pretend to banish them? I have been told that on Lineage 2 Revolution you ban them automatically. Why are you doing nothing? In short, nothing seems to be up for now and it's filling up day by day. They are even returned to our hunt place to do the self message.

Soon they will not be able to speak it in the game anymore.

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Keep allowing bots on server, and the economy will be ruined, yesterday 1KK was 2.5 USD... Give the bots 2 weeks more, and with the 1kk at 1USD, VIP Its going to be a JOKE. People its gonna preffer pay 20kk than 20usd on VIP to get some crappy bugged rates.

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3 hours ago, Bousette said:

Keep allowing bots on server, and the economy will be ruined, yesterday 1KK was 2.5 USD... Give the bots 2 weeks more, and with the 1kk at 1USD, VIP Its going to be a JOKE. People its gonna preffer pay 20kk than 20usd on VIP to get some crappy bugged rates.

You mean 100k/2.5 $, right?

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Dwarf starting zone is BOTLAND

I try hit them, probably the program was setted bad and 2 see my purple dwarf as a mob and try spoil me... No problem i made +2PVP

In the while i report a bot, but with 30 minutes cooldown is hard report all...

Do you want made something really? It's simple, 15 minutes/day in Dwarfland and you can ban hundreds bots

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On 11/14/2018 at 10:31 AM, Nef said:

I literally see the same person sitting by a gatekeeper for weeks, that has a store with a website to buy adena. So...forgive me if I don't believe you ban bots :/ In the next few months, 90% of the server population will just be bots, as real players are dropping off.

And that same shop is still there, there's literally zero effort put into dealing with the adena sales and or bots.

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You can all relax, spilling your frustration here will lead to nothing, GMs and CMs are just as powerless in this regard as the lot of you.

Sadly, "just ban all the botters" doesn't work, it never did, it's just not that simple.

Out of the thousands of accounts they would ban, there would always be the one who'll push legal action, which means significant legal expenses, whatever the outcome may be.

Keep in mind that for a large international company, even the "smallest" lawsuit's expenses start in the $30k range and can skyrocket wildly into six-digit figures under certain circumstances, all the while costing close to nothing for the person suing them.

So do the math - even if a THOUSAND VIPs suddenly leave (which is unlikely), it would still be an insignificant potential financial loss compared to even a single lawsuit.


This is just one of the many reasons they can't do what you're asking of them, I'm certain there are plenty more.

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Nice Nice nice

All starting Zone are BOTLAND

For who want to grow up some fishermans is really hard to kill quest mobs and simple grinding for lvl up to 20

NCsoft lower the respawn of mob in startign zone, it's ok in a LEGIT SERVER, but the presence of bot devolve the experience of LEGIT PLAYERS that need to level up useful toons

Or made respawn fast (but this help bots too) or REALLY CATCH TEH BOTS!

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On 11/9/2018 at 11:14 PM, ImmonsC1 said:

Great that you have that PR, now start to ban them for real.

PS. And do something with rates quickly, cause you lose player base.

yea pls do that. I still see same names farming EG for weeks now. its not hard to spot them really its not. some areas u just have to avoid as a player cus there is no way in hell u going to be able to kill anything.
also, u say u give us options on blocking the spammers blabla. what do u want from us, play the game or block spammers? do u have any idea how many of them there are and the intervals that they spam? its sickening to see this crap. not to mention the restrictions on bot reports? 1 every so many hours? what on earth were u thinking? we go and sit on a field and write down names and keep a timer of when i can send a new report? cmon dudes, this is outrageous, and im tired of it, besides, CLASSIC? what do u mean classic? when did ncsoft gave away free armor and free top D weapons based on luck or otherwise? the fun to replay L2 was already taken away by this, not to mention the rest of the screw-up. was this just another commercial attempt to raise some money? well u did succeed, i myself paid 35 euro already and i regret it so freaking badly. well expect nothing more from me unless u live to the "classic" theme u promised by calling it so, and by doing something about the spammers and bots. this is ridiculous!

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@Hime hello,

You guys REALLY need to find a better way to prevent the adena sale spams... The "block and report" isnt doing so well, everytime you go to giran/dion you get bombarded by 4-5 different spammers.

Also that doens't seem to get rid of them fast enough, I blocked and reported one dude, then a week later i started a new character and the same dude pmed my dorf lol

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ill explain how the spammers get to u. cus apparently the devs never played on classic so they thinking with a block here and a block there we will be unaffected by it.

when u log in:
first thing u need to do is start blocking spams. sometimes it is hard to do it cus most spammers, have a full set of text that fill the whole visible chat block, so if someone else says something even hi, that 1 line makes the spammers name go out of the visible block so u have to scroll up by at least one to get to his name. then u try and right click it, hoping the other 20.000 botters dont get to u first. done, finally u got 1 spammer blocked. at that same time or just before that u got a PM from that bot and 2 other. then u need to block those, then u have the 1-line spammers. block those. u wait a bit? nothing, hopefully? ok safe to go to next town, cus u see i happen to be in gludin and i need to go to aden ;O

so repeat the whole process in gludio, then dion then giran and finally aden. Keep in mind, some towns are more aggressive than others.
then u finally get to ur destination and start farming.hopefully u do not come across bot farmers...and all of a sudden u start getting PMs from different kind of spammers.So even out there u have to keep blocking the spammers.All in all, i am more active blocking the damn spammers than playing the freaking game.
And the return to town "present" awaits me for when im done farming...! dear god.

and sometimes i could swear it is the same ones i blocked before. but ofc they can change 1 number and the whole name may seem the same or similar to it.
I bet they have at least 1 account with 7 chars and swap them 1 by one the whole freaking day.

Come to think of it, the game is so badly ruined, i think I would enjoy more if I were recruited by NCSoft to hunt down and shutdown booters than play the game. HINT HINT!

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