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Auction House Manager

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Hey everyone, I'm doing a quest and some items are too hard to get because the creatures are too strong for me.

So I decided to buy them in the Auction House, but I can't. When I select some item, I can't choose the amount necessary and the offers in the AHM are 200 more items ( I just need 10 of them).

So, my question is: how can I choose the amount of items that I need to buy? If someone is selling 256 pet foods per 750 adena each (192.000 adenas total), how can I buy just 10 of them?


Edit: add image.

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On 04/03/2018 at 3:25 PM, MagoSafadao said:

So, my question is: how can I choose the amount of items that I need to buy? If someone is selling 256 pet foods per 750 adena each (192.000 adenas total), how can I buy just 10 of them?

For this particular case, since it's not that expensive, do what I do: buy the 256 from the AH, take away the 10 only that you need and put the rest 246 back in AH again for sale :D if you sell them more expensively, you might get a profit out of it. Even if it is the same price or lower, it's always better than to keep lots of items that you don't need.

And by the way, you can buy pet food in the Pet Manager of every town. Just try to go for a light castle town, so you get it cheaper ^_^ probably it's cheaper than AH anyway. Gl

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Level 1-2 low grade material (armor fragment low etc) can be bought from Giran, NPC name "Kiki".

D-A SS can be bought from Grocery store in every town.

B-A grade equipment from Luxury shop in Giran.

If you're on Chronos and need pointers, just PM/Mail/Friendadd me @ "Znipo

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