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Posts posted by ChooseWisely

  1. Below Expectations: 


    1.We need a way to progress without paying Money. Sure Paying Money should be very rewarding, but playing 8 hours straight on a day off should be, too.

    It's not that I want to drop 1 Million Adena for a GC mob, but right now it doesn't even pay for Soulshots. 

    Progress for f2p can be slow, that's fine - but there should be some apart from 0,01% EXP per month and minus 100 kk Adena from farming...

    Pro-Tip: Farming should reward Adena, Items and so forth and not cost that.

    2. If enchanting or combining items show a percentage for success, after all modifiers like LUC or Maphr Shirt.

    3. New tactic to beat Limit barrier is to have full Party of wynns with 2 pets per Box. Easy workaround. But as I noticed normal mid geared players cannot beat RBs anyway. Clever Players are one step ahead of you!

    4. Like Raids, the higher Instances and other rewarding parts of the game are reserved for the most stacked Players. - which would be fine, If there was another way to progress and get on their Level. 

    To some Videogamecharacters are worth more than a Mercedes Benz?

    Every Ncoin item is like a DLC and the full package costs about 5000$, maybe reduce to 1000 $ loool

    Creating a Character which would have a shot of becoming hero: 25.000$? More? 

    5. Adena Rates, spoil Rates, drop rates

    6. Events that are f2p. Like monster Research but with higher drop. Not 50 event Items after farming 3 days straight...

    7. Need f2p Progress

    8. Do Something against bots, let us answer Captcha Codes every hour if you don't know how to Limit them. If not answered give the character Red name with -1 Rep 

    9. Big thing for me would also be to reduce the amount of items that are not tradeable. Let me sell my +5 Elmore Cloak, let me sell my Jewels, I have a Talisman Desire in my Warehouse - why cant I sell it? I have a Longing equipped, not even that one can be Sold without paying 2b Adena in Giants Energy. 

    10. I am the last person not willing to pay for a game that's f2p. My Dota 2 Skin Collection is the sad evidence. Nevertheless the core of the game should be playable without paying more than the price of the next Battlefield Installment. 

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