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Posts posted by Er0s

  1. Thanks gms for asking our opinion, i think all people should come here and give their opinion  so with this way fix things and make game ever more  cool for players.

    1st of all im tired of all these people make huge drama for everything and never being happy or at least say a nice word for the game they used to play for years. Sorry guys but noone forces you to play lineage2.

    I would like to say that events giving  crazy good items for free like the rim kamaloka in the past were  great. So you should repeat them. 

    As for the new update i would like to see boost a bit more hunting zones 108 to 112 on xp and adenas and drops. Im 109 yull and really finding hard to lvl up or make some adenas by farming.  Stronghold boost adenas was really a good  move cause  we can end up in 3 hours with adenas we never had the chance to have like 1b we couldnt make in the  past. As for many people complaining  about strong toons getting many adenas  now  they should think that these strong toons used to  farm in the whole map anyway in toi i heard they making like 2b per hour... so the Question is how  we  (lower lvls or not so strong people) can make even a few  adenas to upgrade our toons. We never before had the chance to make so much  adenas especially now that manynother places nerfed. 

    About the  party bonuses you could add adenas boosts on party mode so  force people to play together and help supports too.


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